Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1
what companies do



22-1 Insolvency and business failure

22-2 Insolvency processes

22-3 Priority of claims

22-4 Predicting insolvency


The most recent set of annual data on corporate
insolvencies in Australia prepared by the Australian
Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
indicates that the number of companies entering
external administration has declined in each of the
fiscal years since 2011–2012, but only from 10,757
to 9177 overall. The state with the most companies
entering external administration over the period
2013–2015 was New South Wales, followed
by Victoria and Queensland. This outcome is
unsurprising, given the business sectors of those
three states are ranked in size in the same order.
The industries with the highest rate of
movement into external administration over

the 2013–2015 period were construction,
accommodation and food services, retail
trade, transport, postal and warehousing, and
manufacturing. This ranking of industries has
remained stable for more than seven years.
The majority category of ‘appointment type’
is creditors’ wind-up, followed by court wind-
up. Voluntary administration was the third-most
frequent category.
Source: ASIC insolvency statistics.
Accessed 3 October 2015.

  • Joseph A Guzinski assisted in preparing this chapter for the US edition. For the Australian edition, the material is drawn extensively from
    documents available from the Australian Securities and Investments commission designed to guide companies, managers, shareholders,
    employees and creditors with respect to issue of external administration, financial distress and insolvency. These are available at the ASIC
    website under the insolvency heading:

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