Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1



naked option position To buy or to sell
an option, without a simultaneous
position in the underlying asset.

negotiated offer A process used by an
issuer to hire an investment banker
with whom it directly negotiates the
terms of the offer.

net operating profits after taxes
(NOPAT) The amount of earnings
before interest and after taxes, which
equals EBIT × (1 – T), where EBIT is
earnings before interest and taxes and
T equals the corporate tax rate.

net payoff The difference between
the payoff received when the option
expires and the premium paid to
acquire the option.

net present value (NPV) The sum of
the present values of all of a project’s
cash flows, both inflows and outflows,
discounted at a rate consistent
with the project’s risk. Also, the
preferred method for valuing capital

net present value (NPV) profile The

sum of the present values of all of
a project’s cash flows, both inflows
and outflows, discounted at a rate
consistent with the project’s risk.
NPV is also the preferred method for
valuing capital investments

net profit margin A measure of
profitability that represents the
percentage of each sales dollar
remaining after all costs and
expenses, including interest, taxes,
and preferred share dividends, have
been deducted.

net working capital A measure of a
company’s liquidity calculated by
subtracting current liabilities from
current assets.

nominal return The stated return
offered by an investment; includes the
real return plus any additional return
due to expected inflation.

non-cash charges Expenses, such
as depreciation, amortisation and
depletion allowances, that appear
on the income statement but do not
involve an actual outlay of cash.
non-cash expenses Tax-deductible
expenses for which there is no
corresponding cash outflow in
the current period. They include
depreciation, amortisation and

open interest The number of a given
type of futures contracts that are
currently outstanding.
opening futures price The price on the
first trade of the day.
operating assets Cash, marketable
securities, accounts receivable and
inventories that are necessary to
support the day-to-day operations of
a company.
operating cash flow (OCF) The amount
of cash flow generated by a company
from its operations. Mathematically,
earnings before interest and taxes
(EBIT) minus taxes plus depreciation.
operating cycle (OC) Measurement
of the time that elapses from the
company’s receipt of raw materials
to begin production to its collection
of cash from the sale of the finished
operating flows Cash inflows and
outflows directly related to the
production and sale of a company’s
products or services.
operating lease A contractual
arrangement whereby the lessee
agrees to make periodic payments
to the lessor, often for five years or
less, to obtain an asset’s services. The
lessee generally receives an option to
cancel, and the asset has a useful life
longer than the lease term.
operating leverage Measures the
tendency of operating cash flow

volatility to increase with fixed
operating costs.
operating profit margin A measure
of profitability that represents the
percentage of each sales dollar
remaining after deducting all costs and
expenses other than interest and taxes.
opportunity costs Forgone cash flows
on an alternative investment that the
company or individual decides not
to make.
option premium The market price of
the option.
order cost The fixed dollar amount per
order that covers the costs of placing
and receiving an order; used in
calculating the EOQ.
ordinary annuity An annuity for which
the payments occur at the end of each
ordinary corporate income Income
resulting from the sale of the
company’s goods and services.
ordinary shares The most basic form
of corporate ownership.
out of the money A call (put) option
is out of the money when the share
price is less (greater) than the strike
oversubscribe When the investment
banker builds a book of orders for
shares that is greater than the amount
of shares the company intends to sell.
ownership right agreements
Agreements between venture capital
investors and portfolio-company
managers allocating ownership
stakes and voting rights to venture

paid-in capital in excess of par The
number of ordinary shares outstanding
multiplied by the original selling price
of the shares, net of the par value.
participation rights Agreements giving
the venture capitalists the right to
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