Introduction to Corporate Finance

(Tina Meador) #1


and it receives the strike price as a
cash inflow.
weighted average cost of capital
(WACC) The after-tax, weighted
average required return on all types
of securities issued by a company,
where the weights equal the
percentage of each type of financing
in a company’s overall capital
wire transfer An electronic
communication that removes funds
from the payer’s bank and deposits
funds in the payee’s bank on a same-
day basis via bookkeeping entries.

Yankee bonds Bonds sold by foreign
corporations to US investors.

yield curve A graph that plots the
relationship between time to maturity
and yield to maturity for a group of
equal-risk bonds.
yield spread The difference in yield
to maturity between a corporate bond
and a government bond at roughly the
same maturity.
yield to maturity (YTM) The discount
rate that equates the present value
of the bond’s cash flows to its market

Z-score The product of a quantitative
model for forecasting insolvency that
uses a blend of traditional financial
ratios and a statistical technique
known as multiple discriminant

analysis. In some tests, the Z score has
been found to be about 90% accurate
in forecasting insolvency one year in
the future and about 80% accurate in
forecasting it two years in the future.
zero-balance accounts (ZBAs) The
simplest approach to share valuation
that assumes a constant dividend
stream. Disbursement accounts that
always have an end-of-day balance
of zero. The purpose is to eliminate
nonearning cash balances in corporate
checking accounts.
zero growth model The simplest
approach to share valuation that
assumes a constant dividend stream.
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