I hate to admit it, but I’m an elder. There is such a
need for this. We’re at an age where we don’t go to clubs
anymore, and this has been lacking for 20 years or so.
The whole ambience is just wonderful. I think it has
rejuvenated this community, because everyone loves to
dance. Even if you last did it 50 years ago, it doesn’t
matter – you never lose your rhythm.
This dance club is a coming together of society – whether
it’s gay or straight, so what. And I’m pleased to see the kids
are coming along and getting into it, because they don’t
put up barriers. They’ll come up and say, “Hey mister, can
I have a dance with you?” or “Rack off, hairy legs, I don’t
want to dance with you!” You know exactly where you
stand with them.
real life