
(Frankie) #1

How did you get started in the art-making business?I’ve been
arty since I was little. I made all sorts of weird inventions and
objects and new ‘species’ out of paper. At university, I decided
to study art and literature.

What kinds of techniques do you use?For the past few years,
I’ve been using found photographs and other images as an
untraditional canvas, which has gotten me a bit of buzz. So,
while my painting techniques are rather traditional, where
they’re applied creates something new.

Can you talk us through your creative process?It’s mostly just
doing. Sitting down and unfurling into what is in front of me. The
thinking mostly happens on long city walks, as well as the hours
I spend lying in bed before falling asleep. Lifelong insomnia can
be trying at times, but I must confess I’ve come up with many
a painting in those crucial hours!

What puts you in the mood to create?Emotions. Being happy; being
sad; being peaceful; feeling curious; feeling excited; feeling nervous.
The only time I can’t create is when I’m annoyed. It’s my least
favourite way to feel, and not very conducive to making anything good.

Tell us about this Flora series. Where did the idea come from?
Last summer I was at a wonderful flea market in a small town in
Florida, thumbing through old photos, when a box of postcards
started looking really appealing. I left with a bunch of city- and floral-
themed ones, and the flowers sort of rose to the top. (Pun intended!)
Flowers are just beautiful and really worshipped in our culture – it felt
natural to give mother nature’s supermodels a voice. I love all the odd
groans and sighs that I imagine coming from the flowers I paint.

How do you decide on a plant’s personality? I think it’s a mix of the
mood the plant gives off – the aesthetic and colour and certain lean
of the plant – and the mood I’m in that day.
Where do you find the floral images you use as canvases? They’re
mainly vintage postcards from either eBay or op shops, but some of
the larger pieces are photographs I’ve taken or acquired and blown up.
We’re getting a vagueDay of the Triffids vibe! Was this intentional?
Oh wow, I’ve never heard of that movie, but am very excited to lay
eyes on it! For me, there’s a scene in a strange film that is always on
my mind – a pink rose that speaks in Peau d’Âne, starring Catherine
Deneuve. Now I realise memories of Alice in Wonderland must be
present as well! I think I may need to watch that again after my

What other things do you like to create? Art videos – I’m working
on some flower animations, slowly but surely. I love singing, too.
I’d definitely consider making some pared down music in the next
couple of years.
Tell us about your studio (or wherever you work!). I’m currently
working out of my apartment in Baltimore, but soon I’ll be moving
into a proper place – hurrah! It will be a regular studio with white
walls and lots of canvases, but also lots of weird little objects that
both comfort and inspire me.
What are you working on at the moment? Three large flowers on
canvas, and a handful of golden paintings with strange creatures
interpreting scenes fromThe Wizard of Oz.
Where can we see more of your work?

artist angela deane gives life to

some very expressive blooms.


wıth feelings

pretty pictures
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