Tax Book 2023

(Ben LeoJzBdje) #1

Assets and Depreciation Chapter- 10

to pay any increase in the amount of loan due to change in exchange rate. On June 30, 20 23 ,
exchange rate was ($1 = RS. 85). Calculate the amount of tax depreciation and initial allowance for
tax year 20 23.

Solution: In this case, change in value of loan shall not be considered for depreciation purpose.
Initial allowance [4,000,000) x 25%] 1,000,000
Depreciation for the year [(4,000,000 – 1,000,000) x 15%] 450,000

  1. Cost of an asset sold in parts

Where a part of an asset is disposed of by a person, the cost of the asset shall be apportioned
between the part of the asset retained and the part disposed of in accordance with their respective
FMV’s determined at the time the person acquired the asset.

Example: On July 01, 20 22 , Mr. Zahid acquired a building for Rs. 500,000. In May, 20 23 he disposed
of 1/4th of building for Rs. 300,000. On the date of acquisition, fair value of part sold was Rs. 2 00,000
and fair value of remaining part was Rs. 4 00,000. Determine gain / loss on disposal and cost of
building retained.

Solution: Gain / loss on disposal: Rs.

Consideration received on disposal 300,000
Less: Cost apportioned on the basis fair value
(500,000 x 2 00,000 / 6 00,000) 166 , 667
Gain on disposal 133,333

Cost of asset retained: Rs.

Cost of total asset 500,000
Less: Cost of asset disposed of (as above) 166 , 667
Cost of asset retained 333 , 333

  1. Cost of an asset acquired from the amount chargeable to tax

Where the acquisition of an asset by a person is the derivation of an amount chargeable to tax,
the cost of the asset shall be the amount so charged plus any amount paid by the person for the

  1. Cost of an asset acquired from the amount exempt from tax

Where the acquisition of an asset by a person is the derivation of an amount exempt from tax, the
cost of the asset shall be the exempt amount plus any amount paid by the person for the asset.

Example: Mr. Ahmed purchased vehicle to be used for his business purpose for Rs. 800,000. Rs
2 00,000 was paid from taxable income while remaining Rs. 6 00,000 was paid from an amount which
is exempt from tax. What is the cost of asset?

Solution: Cost of asset is determined by the amount paid and it is immaterial whether the amount
paid as purchase price of asset is taxable or exempt. Hence, the cost of asset is Rs. 800,000.

  1. Cost of an asset acquired from the grant not chargeable and chargeable to tax

The cost of an asset does not include the amount of any grant, subsidy, rebate, commission or
any other assistance (other than a loan repayable with or without profit) received or receivable by a
person in respect of the acquisition of the asset, except to the extent to which the amount is
chargeable to tax under this Ordinance.

Example: Mr. Naeem received grant of Rs. 500,000 from Government for purchase of an asset. Forty
percent (40%) of this grant is taxable and balance sixty percent 60% is exempt. Asset was purchased
by Mr. Naeem for Rs. 700,000. You are required to determine the cost of asset.
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