Tax Book 2023

(Ben LeoJzBdje) #1

Taxation System Chapter- 01

 To promote science and invention, finance educational activities or maintain and improve
the efficiency of local forces;
 To implement laws which eliminate discrimination among various elements in the markets
/ businesses.

4 .3 Example

Explain what are the objectives of following tax laws:

Sr. Tax Law Objective

  1. Tax on Salary income (including income from
    other heads of income) under various sections
    of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001

Revenue Collection

  1. Any amount transferred otherwise than
    banking channel will be deemed as income u/s

Documentation of economy

  1. Tax on moveable assets of the taxpayers Fair distribution of wealth

  2. Higher taxes on import of luxury Goods Reduction in imports of
    unnecessary goods and create
    good balance of Trade

  3. Allowability of expenditure of Research &

Promotion of Research &

  1. Zero rating on Exports, reduced rates of taxes
    on imports

Promotion of Exports

  1. Tax credit on donations to approved
    institutions u/c 61 of Part 1 of the 2nd Schedule
    to the Income tax Ordinance, 2001

To promote culture of payment of
donation to only organised and
regulated institutions

  1. Tax credit on investments in listed Companies
    shares u/s 6 2

Promote investments in listed

  1. Reduced rate of 0.25%Tax on software
    exports u/s 154A of the Income tax Ordinance,

Promote software Industry

4 .4 Taxes as mean for development
Taxes are one of the main mean for development. This is not because that revenue collected by
the state is used on developmental projects rather taxes can be used in many a ways to bring
development in the country. Some examples are as under:
 The Government can declare some areas as free zone, industrial zone, economic zone
and provide tax incentives to such areas. These under developed area will become focus
of businessman/industrialist. This will bring employment, opportunities and prosperity in
these un-developed areas.
 Taxing the rich at higher rate whereas taxing the low income group at low tax rates
 Imposition of high custom duty rates on luxury items or kind of items which are also
manufactured in Pakistan. This promotes local manufacturers and industry.
 Tax credits on charity/donations to promote welfare activities.

 Tax exemptions to charity organization /educational institutions to promote these
 Tax incentives for agro based projects to promote agriculture.
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