Prainha – Fortaleza - 34 km ^131
Our slow departure was due to the knowledge that Fortaleza was merely a few
kilometres down the drag. The area reminded me of Egypt’s Red Sea coast due to
the dunes and wind farms. However, Fortaleza was a large and busy city featuring a
lovely beachfront.
An inexpensive abode close to the beach suited us fine. By evening, a meander
along the promenade was a pleasant place to fill our bellies from the multitude of
mobile traders. The beachfront was crowded with people rollerblading,
skateboarding, running, cycling, or simply sitting on one of the benches overlooking
the ocean. All were out enjoying the cooler evening air, as by 10 p.m. the
temperature was a cool 24°C - simply perfect.
Fortaleza was further home to a very professional bike shop, where I bought a new
front tyre and had the bike washed and oiled. I nearly didn’t recognise the bicycle
on collecting it. We spent our time doing little more than lounging about and
sauntering along the beachfront. The laundry we handed in could only be collected
the next day, allowing us an extra day of rest in Fortaleza.
Fortaleza – Paraipaba - 94 km
Soon the time came to leave the concrete jungle and resume our ride. The wind can
be a friend or a foe; on this day, it turned out a friend, and we sped downwind,
powered by an excellent tailwind.
The state of Ceara was kind to us: primarily flat with a favourable wind – there’s
not much more a cyclist can ask for. Signboards pointed to a hotel in Paraipaba,
and as one got closer, the more regular the boards became, almost every
kilometre. Seeing that many signs, one could hardly not head there. The
accommodation was cheap and clean and the price included breakfast.