Nova Colina – Rorainopolis - 45 km ^179
The section to Rorainopolis was poor. The route was dusty, hilly and into the wind,
and I was happy to reach this tiny community. Rorainopolis sported accommodation
where we could do laundry and connect to the internet, but the connection was
weak, and too frustrating.
Rorainopolis – Nova Paraiso - 36 km
Rorainopolis was barely 36 kilometres from the tiny settlement of Nova Paraiso.
Although the settlement didn’t have anything of interest, neither Ernest nor I felt
well, and on spotting a small pousada hidden behind a petrol station, we called it a
day. Nova Paraiso was hardly a “New Paradise” but it was an excellent place to chill.
17 January - Nova Paraiso – Caracarai - 127 km
From our guesthouse to Caracarai was a long, hot 127-kilometre bike ride.
Fortunately, the route was relatively easy. There wasn’t anything to look at besides
roadworks and a few roadside eateries, and we felt it was best to push on. Once in
Caracarai Ernest cycled to the supermarket and returned with ingredients to make a
potato salad.
18 January - Caracarai – Mucajai - 87 km
The dense forest slowly gave way to cattle ranches, and it seemed cattle replaced
the parrots and macaws. Mercifully, the weather was cloudy, which made it easy
pedalling. Mucajai was a tiny settlement that, surprisingly, had accommodation and
offered an internet connection. I spent most of the evening uploading photos and
playing on the internet.