(^182) Indiu Village, Brazil – Santa Elena, Venezuela - 40 km
By early morning, the weather was already boiling. As more hills were waiting, I left
while Ernest was still busy getting ready.
A slow climb of nearly 1,000 metres in sweltering heat led up the Gran Sabana
plateau, Pacaraima (the border), and Santa Helena in Venezuela. On arriving in
Pacaraima, I bought more Brazilian coffee, which became a favourite during our
Brazilian travels.
Concerned about my Brazilian visa, which had expired 16 days previously, I wasn’t
sure what the procedure would be. Thank goodness, the fine of 132 reals was only
payable on re-entry into Brazil. That was great news, as the more cash I could take
into Venezuela, the better. At that time, changing money on the street was twice as
good as drawing from the ATM.
Once immigration was cleared, a short cycle led into the touristy border town of
Santa Helena. The town sported ample accommodation as it was the starting point
for people wanting to climb Mount Roraima. I would’ve loved to have done that, but
Ernest wasn’t one for such ventures.