PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice (3rd edition)

(Barry) #1


Figure 11–5. Extracting algorithms into their own type

Here are the Question classes rendered as code:

abstract class Question {
protected $prompt;
protected $marker;

function __construct( $prompt, Marker $marker ) {
$this->prompt = $prompt;

function mark( $response ) {
return $this->marker->mark( $response );

class TextQuestion extends Question {
// do text question specific things

class AVQuestion extends Question {
// do audiovisual question specific things

As you can see, I have left the exact nature of the difference between TextQuestion and AVQuestion to
the imagination. The Question base class provides all the real functionality, storing a prompt property
and a Marker object. When Question::mark() is called with a response from the end user, the method
simply delegates the problem solving to its Marker object.
Now to define some simple Marker objects:

abstract class Marker {
protected $test;

function __construct( $test ) {

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