The reality is that Google is the internet for many people and in particular for search. This means that you absolutely must make
Google aware of your website so once it has been set up you need to follow this simple process before you do anything else. Visits
from search will easily outnumber direct visits in the early stages.
Hello Google!
Find the console
Search for ‘Google Search Console’ in
Google and then sign in with your Google
ID. Input your domain name to check its
status within the Google search index.
Request indexing
Wait for the site to advise the status. It
is likely that it will not be listed so you need
to click ‘Request Indexing’ to allow Google
to capture your content.
And the rest
While your site is indexing you can
explore the other services from Google.
The site offers all sorts of tips regarding the
standards your website is following.
There are three reasons to try a
service like Squarespace as your
first step. You get an app that is as
easy to use on an iPhone or iPad as
the service is on a Mac. You can play
around with the features and designs
for free and potentially discover what
you really want to achieve, and the
quality is brilliant.
Your first site 1 From the start
When you first open the app you are
with a splash
screen which
offers a
glimpse of
the visual
beauty that
is to follow.
It is very
2 Pick a theme
After creating a free account you pick
a theme for
your site.
Pick any one
and then you
can change it
around as you
want to later
on. It is scarily
usable and
easy to grasp.
4 It’s your style
You need to set aside some time to
adjust each
font, colour
and every
other aspect
of the design,
but you can
do all of
this with no
at all.
5 Through their eyes
Throughout the process you get to
visualise the
site as your
visitors will
see it and this
gives you the
to know that
it will always
3 Visual editing
Changing parts of the site design
is done
by simply
tapping the
area and then
choosing a
new piece of
media, or by
simply typing
new text onto
the existing
dummy text.
Create a webpage or blog
The reality is that Google is the internet for many people and in particular for search. This means that you absolutely must make
Google aware of your website so once it has been set up you need to follow this simple process before you do anything else. Visits
from search will easily outnumber direct visits in the early stages.
Hello Google!
Findthe console
Googleandthensignin withyourGoogle
Request indexing
is likelythatit willnotbelistedsoyouneed
And the rest
Whileyoursiteis indexingyoucan
standardsyourwebsiteis following.
There are three reasons to try a
service like Squarespace as your
first step. You get an app that is as
easy to use on an iPhone or iPad as
the service is on a Mac. You can play
around with the features and designs
for free and potentially discover what
you really want to achieve, and the
quality is brilliant.
Your first site 1 From the start
When you first open the app you are
with a splash
screen which
offers a
glimpse of
the visual
beauty that
is to follow.
It is very
2 Pick a theme
After creating a free account you pick
a theme for
your site.
Pick any one
and then you
can change it
around as you
want to later
on. It is scarily
usable and
easy to grasp.
4 It’s your style
You need to set aside some time to
adjust each
font, colour
and every
other aspect
of the design,
but you can
do all of
this with no
at all.
5 Through their eyes
Throughout the process you get to
visualise the
site as your
visitors will
see it and this
gives you the
to know that
it will always
3 Visual editing
Changing parts of the site design
is done
by simply
tapping the
area and then
choosing a
new piece of
media, or by
simply typing
new text onto
the existing
dummy text.
Create a webpage or blog