Your site logo is the most important
visual element of your site. No matter
how carefully you design the layout,
the logo is the part that everyone
looks at first and it can make a
site look professional or shabby
depending on the quality of it. If you
are talented you can design your
own, but apps help as well.
Build your
site logo
Choose an app
In the App Store search for ‘Logo’ and
play around until you find an app you like.
We have chosen Logo Creator | Vintage
Design for this particular tutorial.
Pick a template
The app includes a variety of free and
paid for logo templates that you can use as
a basis for your design. There are almost
too many to choose from.
Add your title
You can now tap each element and
adjust them as needed. The example title
can be overtyped and you can drag it
around and resize it as needed.
Time to export
When you are finished you can export
using the format of your choice. We would
advise you to use the highest quality
possible for the best effect.
The right dimensions
Before you start make sure that you
know the best dimensions for your logo and
how they will fit into your site. Your dashboard
will display the required dimensions.
Grab your
Works both ways
The ability to set up your own
magazine is also present. This can
bring in many more followers to
your website as they catch up on
your content via both channels.
Share and save
Saving an article is very efficient in
Flipboard and you can quickly build
up lots of content to link to or to act
as inspiration for the articles you are
going to post on your site.
Create a webpage or blog
Yoursitelogois themostimportant
thelogois thepartthateveryone
looksatfirstandit canmakea
dependingonthequalityofit. If you
Build your
site logo
Choose an app
In theApp Store search for ‘Logo’ and
playarounduntil you find an app you like.
Wehavechosen Logo Creator | Vintage
Designforthis particular tutorial.
Pick a template
The app includes a variety of free and
paid for logo templates that you can use as
a basis for your design. There are almost
too many to choose from.
aroundandresizeit asneeded.
Timeto export
Whenyou are finished you can export
usingtheformat of your choice. We would
adviseyoutouse the highest quality
possibleforthe best effect.
The right dimensions
Before you start make sure that you
know the best dimensions for your logo and
how they will fit into your site. Your dashboard
will display the required dimensions.
Grab your
Works both ways
The ability to set up your own
magazine is also present. This can
bring in many more followers to
your website as they catch up on
your content via both channels.
Share and save
Saving an article is very efficient in
Flipboard and you can quickly build
up lots of content to link to or to act
as inspiration for the articles you are
going to post on your site.
Create a webpage or blog