It will be worth your time to learn HTML to at least a basic level when running a website. Even if you are not aiming to code everything by
hand, a little knowledge will let you tweak areas of the site that pre-configured themes won’t. The language is also quite logical and you
may be surprised at how easy it is to learn.
Code your site
Is running a website a full-time job? No it isn’t if you choose to limit interactions with visitors, but you will need the ability to update
and react at any time to ensure that the site is reliable and that your audience feel catered for. The best way to do this effectively is
with an iOS mobile device.
On the go
Deal with comments
Services like Wordpress allow you to
use an app and to be notified when new
comments are posted. You can immediately
deal with spam no matter where you are.
See the future
You can use the Wordpress mobile app
to tweak the time and date that a post will
be published. This allows you to immediately
publish a scheduled post at any time.
Check your stats
Being able to view your site stats in
real time will give you a clearer idea of what
content works best. You can check them
while having a quick coffee.
File structures
With manual coding will likely come
the need to fully understand the file
structure of your site. This is not an
easy task, but we should say that the
more you learn about your site the
better for future stability.
See the results
The ‘Show Result’ feature allows you to
see how your changes affect your website
with just one click. This means that you
can make as many changes as you like
and never publish a change on your site
that does not look right.
Your environment
You can change the interface
of HelloWebFree to suit how
you prefer to work and you
can even make it feel like a
standard text editor for added
familiarity. The main focus
should be on the code and
these visual customisations
will help that.
It makes sense
The straightforward nature
of HTML means that you
can make changes to
your site with very little
knowledge. An app like
HelloWebFree on macOS
lets you make changes and
then immediately preview the
tweaks as your visitors would
see them.
Create a webpage or blog
It will be worth your time to learn HTML to at least a basic level when runninga website.Evenif youarenotaimingtocodeeverythingby
hand, a little knowledge will let you tweak areas of the site that pre-configuredthemeswon’t.Thelanguageis alsoquitelogicalandyou
may be surprised at how easy it is to learn.
Code your site
Is running a website a full-time job? No it isn’t if you choose to limit interactionswithvisitors,butyouwillneedtheabilitytoupdate
and react at any time to ensure that the site is reliable and that your audiencefeelcateredfor.Thebestwaytodothiseffectivelyis
with an iOS mobile device.
On the go
Deal with comments
Services like Wordpress allow you to
use an app and to be notified when new
comments are posted. You can immediately
deal with spam no matter where you are.
See the future
You can use the Wordpressmobileapp
to tweak the time and date thata postwill
be published. This allows you toimmediately
publish a scheduled post at anytime.
realtimewillgiveyoua clearerideaofwhat
whilehavinga quickcoffee.
File structures
With manual coding will likely come
the need to fully understand the file
structure of your site. This is not an
easy task, but we should say that the
more you learn about your site the
better for future stability.
See the results
The ‘Show Result’ feature allows you to
see how your changes affect your website
with just one click. This means that you
can make as many changes as you like
and never publish a change on your site
that does not look right.
ofHelloWebFreeto suithow
youpreferto workandyou
canevenmakeit feellikea
It makessense
of HTMLmeansthatyou
Create a webpage or blog