Manage your health data
pple is taking privacy seriously these days and has made
it a priority feature. Your health data is probably among
the most personal data you have, so you might wonder
who or what can access it. Although nothing can see it or
change it without your permission, we often don’t pay attention
when installing apps and tend to agree to every notice that is put
in front of us. Apps don’t work otherwise.
Here we take a look at what apps on your iPhone can access
your health data and what steps you can take to revoke this
access if the app in question doesn’t need it. Seeing as many
of us often download apps to try out and idly sanction any data
access just to get the app up and running, it’s always good to
take stock and tighten up your security from time to time.
Who can access your health data on the iPhone? Configure permissions and revoke access
Health app settings
Health data, sources and apps
Do you know which apps can access your health data? It’s
good to perform a security check from time to time...
Time needed
Apple, Inc
Read write data
Writing data to Apple Health is
different to reading data and some
apps can do both, but others can
only write and cannot read it for
privacy reasons. Open an activity in
Health, scroll down to Data Sources
& Access and at the top are on/off
switches to allow or block reading
and at the bottom are sources that
write data.
Knowledge base
ources and apps Read write
Writing data to A
different to readi
apps can do bot
only write and ca
privacy reasons.
Health, scroll do
& Access and at
switches to allow
and at the bottom
write data.
Activity tracking
Open the Health app, tap
‘Show All Health Data’ or
‘Browse’ and then tap an
activity, such as Cycling
Distance. Once an activity
is selected, at the top is the
most recent activity data.
Scroll down.
app list
Below the most recent data
for an activity is a list of
recommended apps that can
record and save that type of
data. These are not the only
ones. Tap an app and install it
from the store.
Show All Data
Sometimes many apps can
record data and the iPhone
and Watch can record steps for
example. Tap here to show all the
data that has been recorded in
this section of the Health app.
Data sources
To see a list of apps and devices
that can record this data and write
it to the Health app, tap here.
Tap an app or device to see the
data or revoke access to apps
previously authorised.
Manage your health data
pple is taking privacy seriously these days and has made
it a priority feature. Your health data is probably among
the most personal data you have, so you might wonder
who or what can access it. Although nothing can see it or
change it without your permission, we often don’t pay attention
when installing apps and tend to agree to every notice that is put
in front of us. Apps don’t work otherwise.
Here we take a look at what apps on your iPhone can access
your health data and what steps you can take to revoke this
access if the app in question doesn’t need it. Seeing as many
of us often download apps to try out and idly sanction any data
access just to get the app up and running, it’s always good to
take stock and tighten up your security from time to time.
Who can access your health data on the iPhone? Configure permissions and revoke access
Health app settings
Health data,s d
Do you know which apps can access your health data? It’s
good to perform a security check from time to time...
Time needed
Apple, Inc
Apple Health is
ngdata and some
th,but others can
annot read it for
Open an activity in
wnto Data Sources
t thetop are on/off
w orblock reading
m are sources that
Knowledge base
ources and apps Readwrite
differentto readi
& Accessandat
switchesto allow
andat thebottom
Activity tracking
Open the Health app, tap
‘Show All Health Data’ or
‘Browse’ and then tap an
activity, such as Cycling
Distance. Once an activity
is selected, at the top is the
most recent activity data.
Scroll down.
app list
Below the most recent data
for an activity is a list of
recommended apps that can
record and save that type of
Show All Data
Sometimes many apps can
record data and the iPhone
and Watch can record steps for
example. Tap here to show all the
data that has been recorded in
this section of the Health app.
Data sources
To see a list of apps and devices
that can record this data and write
it to the Health app, tap here.
Tap an app or device to see the
data or revoke access to apps
previously authorised.