Want to widen the number of channels you subscribe to? Visit youtube.
com/feed/subscriptions, which recommends creators for many genres.
Manage posts from YouTube channels
Catch up with the latest
community posts and tell YouTube
what you want to see
Continue watching
You may have already begun watching a
video but found yourself unable to finish. Tap
‘Continue Watching’ to pick up where you left
off. It’ll tell you when you’re caught up.
Remove watched videos
If you don’t want to keep seeing videos
that you’ve already watched, then simply tap
the topic ‘Unwatched’ and YouTube will only
show you the content that you are yet to see.
View live videos
Move your finger left on the topics bar
for more options. Live lets you see content
currently livestreaming while Posts shows any
community messages put out by a channel.
Save videos to watch later
If you don’t have time to watch a YouTube
video now, you can save it for later viewing.
What’s more, you don’t need to be a
subscriber to the channel to do so. Just tap
the ‘+’ icon in the top corner of the video player
when it is playing or tap the Menu button next
to the title when you’re browsing and select
‘Watch Later’. These videos can be viewed
under the Library tab.
Knowledge base
Report posts
If you don’t like the look of a
particular post, tap this menu
and you can report it, choosing
from one of a number of potential
violations of YouTube rules.
Tailor your feed
Don’t want community posts
clogging up your general
subscription feed? Then tap
‘Settings’ and select ‘Videos only’
from the pop-up options.
your channels
Select ‘All’ and you can order
your channels by most relevant,
new activity and alphabetical
order. You can also select
Manage and determine if you
wish to receive notifications.
Check the latest posts
Many channels will send out
community posts that do not include
video content. These can be viewed on
their own by selecting Posts from the
list of topics.
Want to widen the number of channels you subscribe to? Visit youtube.
com/feed/subscriptions, which recommends creators for many genres.
Manage posts from YouTube channels
Catch up with the latest
community posts and tell YouTube
what you want to see
Continue watching
You may have already begun watching a
video but found yourself unable to finish. Tap
‘Continue Watching’ to pick up where you left
off. It’ll tell you when you’re caught up.
Remove watched videos
If you don’t want to keep seeing videos
that you’ve already watched, then simply tap
the topic ‘Unwatched’ and YouTube will only
show you the content that you are yet to see.
View live videos
Move your finger left on the topics bar
for more options. Live lets you see content
currently livestreaming while Posts shows any
community messages put out by a channel.
Save videos to watch later
If you don’t have time to watch a YouTube
video now, you can save it for later viewing.
What’s more, you don’t need to be a
subscriber to the channel to do so. Justtap
the ‘+’ icon in the top corner of the video player
when it is playing or tap the Menu button next
to the title when you’re browsing and select
‘Watch Later’. These videos can be viewed
under the Library tab.
Knowledge base
Report posts
If you don’t like the look of a
particular post, tap this menu
and you can report it, choosing
from one of a number of potential
violations of YouTube rules.
Tailor your feed
Don’t want community posts
clogging up your general
subscription feed? Then tap
‘Settings’ and select ‘Videos only’
from the pop-up options.
your channels
Select ‘All’ and you can order
your channels by most relevant,
new activity and alphabetical
order. You can also select
Manage and determine if you
wish to receive notifications.
Check the latest posts
Many channels will send out
community posts that do not include
video content. These can be viewed on
their own by selecting Posts from the
list of topics.