As well as preserving the charge of your Apple Watch, you can
also make your AirPods last longer
A green light on your AirPods case means it is fully charged but if you see
amber than you only have a single full charge left.
Help maintain your AirPods battery life
Check the AirPods
If both of your AirPods are in the case or
if they are being used to play your music, then
you will see the overall charge for them both as
a combined percentage figure.
See individual charges
If, however, you keep the case open and
take out one of the AirPods (leaving another in)
then you will be able to see how well charged
each individual AirPod currently is.
Note case charge
When the AirPods case is open and at
least one of the AirPods is in there, you can see
how much charge that has as well. Scroll down
the screen if you can’t initially see it.
How long will my AirPods
last on a full charge?
According to Apple, a second
generation set of AirPods will allow
you up to five hours of listening time
or three hours of talk time on a single
charge. AirPods Pro, on the other hand,
give you 4.5 hours of listening time or
up to 3.5 hours of talk time. For both,
a charged up case will provide enough
juice for 24 hours of listening time and
18 hours of talk time. That’s a lot of
music and chatter.
Knowledge base
Care for your case
You’ll be relying on your
AirPods case to keep the
earphones topped up. So don’t
keep the lid open for too long
and don’t keep opening and
closing the case otherwise the
charge will fritter away
Store in the case
If you want to keep your
AirPods at maximum charge,
ensure they remain in the case
when you’re not popping them
in your ears. That way, you’ll be
less prone to losing them too.
Individual charges
It’s worth checking the charges
of each of the AirPods, left and
right, just in case one doesn’t
seem to be juicing up as well
as the other which could
indicate a problem.
Power Reserve
Slip your Apple Watch into Power
Reserve if you wish to preserve
the battery life of your wearable.
But, if you do, you won’t be able
to monitor your AirPods.
Aswellaspreservingthechargeof yourAppleWatch,youcan
A green light on your AirPods case means it is fully charged but if you see
amber than you only have a single full charge left.
Help maintain your AirPods battery life
Check theAirPods
If bothof yourAirPodsarein thecaseor
if theyarebeingusedto playyourmusic,then
a combinedpercentagefigure.
If, however,youkeepthecaseopenand
takeoutoneof theAirPods(leavinganotherin)
thenyouwillbeableto seehowwellcharged
WhentheAirPodscaseis openandat
leastoneof theAirPodsis in there,youcansee
thescreenif youcan’tinitiallyseeit.
lastona fullcharge?
Accordingto Apple,a second
generationsetof AirPodswillallow
youupto fivehoursof listeningtime
orthreehoursof talktimeona single
giveyou4.5hoursof listeningtimeor
upto 3.5hoursof talktime.Forboth,
a chargedupcasewillprovideenough
juicefor 24 hoursof listeningtimeand
18 hoursof talktime.That’sa lotof
Knowledge base
AirPodscaseto keepthe
Storein thecase
If youwantto keepyour
AirPodsat maximumcharge,
ensuretheyremainin thecase
in yourears.Thatway,you’llbe
lessproneto losingthemtoo.
Individual charges
of eachof theAirPods,leftand
right,justin caseonedoesn’t
seemto bejuicingupaswell
indicatea problem.
Power Reserve
Slip your Apple Watch into Power
Reserve if you wish to preserve
the battery life of your wearable.
But, if you do, you won’t be able
to monitor your AirPods.