Which settings does demo mode restrict?
Aside from preventing Apple TV from being put to sleep, reset or
restarted, the retail mode doesn’t allow Siri to be turned off. It also
prevents a change of user, new users being added and blocks
changes to W-Fi. The mode stops changes to the function of the
Home button, too, and bars the use of a remote app and devices.
Apps cannot be automatically installed either but they will auto
update. A range of audio effects are kept active.
Knowledge base
Manage Apple TV’s advanced settings
Look but perhaps don’t touch – these settings are purely for
the knowledgeable user
Choose a mode
In turning on the Demo Mode, you can
choose Apple Store or Channel. The first
option is intended for use in official Apple
Stores. The latter is for non-Apple retailers.
Change the settings
Whichever you choose, the settings
choice is the same. You could first try changing
the default screensaver from Apple’s marketing
video to a custom looping screensaver.
Restrict video playback
You could also choose to restrict video
playback, putting in place a time limit. Activate
the option and input a timeframe. To enter the
demo mode, click ‘Apply Changes’.
If you end up changing any of the configurations in the internal Settings, press
Play/Pause on each options for the default value.
Access the
advanced menu
To launch the advanced
settings menu, you need to
launch the Settings app, click
‘System’ and select ‘Software
Updates’. A new option will
appear called Internal Settings.
Configuration settings
You’ll need a valid employee-only
AppleConnect account and password to
access internal Apple apps and the VPN
options so head for this screen instead by
selecting Configuration.
Build Train
and Number
These settings relate to
the version of tvOS you’re
using. Curiously, Apple
suggests ‘MonarchTide’ for
Build Train – this was the
code for tvOS 9.0.
The servers
It’s best not to alter the Asset
and Brain Server URLs since
they provide the necessary
updates to keep your Apple
TV functioning. But it’s cool
to know they’re there, eh?
AsidefrompreventingAppleTVfrombeingputto sleep,resetor
restarted,theretailmodedoesn’tallowSirito beturnedoff.It also
preventsa changeof user,newusersbeingaddedandblocks
changesto W-Fi.Themodestopschangesto thefunctionof the
Homebutton,too,andbarstheuseof a remoteappanddevices.
update.A rangeof audioeffectsarekeptactive.
Knowledge base
Manage Apple TV’s advanced settings
Look but perhaps don’t touch – these settings are purely for
the knowledgeable user
Choose a mode
In turning on the Demo Mode, you can
choose Apple Store or Channel. The first
option is intended for use in official Apple
Stores. The latter is for non-Apple retailers.
Change the settings
Whichever you choose, the settings
choice is the same. You could first try changing
the default screensaver from Apple’s marketing
video to a custom looping screensaver.
You couldalsochooseto restrictvideo
playback,puttingin placea timelimit.Activate
the optionandinputa timeframe.Toenterthe
demo mode,click‘ApplyChanges’.
If you end up changing any of the configurations in the internal Settings, press
Play/Pause on each options for the default value.
Access the
advanced menu
To launch the advanced
settings menu, you need to
launch the Settings app, click
‘System’ and select ‘Software
Updates’. A new option will
appear called Internal Settings.
Configuration settings
You’ll need a valid employee-only
AppleConnect account and password to
access internal Apple apps and the VPN
options so head for this screen instead by
selecting Configuration.
Build Train
and Number
These settings relate to
the version of tvOS you’re
using. Curiously, Apple
suggests ‘MonarchTide’ for
Build Train – this was the
code for tvOS 9.0.
The servers
It’s best not to alter the Asset
and Brain Server URLs since
they provide the necessary
updates to keep your Apple
TV functioning. But it’s cool
to know they’re there, eh?