Judith Lewis Herman - Trauma és gyogyulas

(BlackTrush) #1

  1. L. C. Kolb és L R Multipassi, „The Conditioned Emotional Response: A Subclass of Chronic
    and Delayed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder", Psychiatric Anna Is 12 (1982): 979 - 987. T. M Keane,
    R. T. Zimering és J. M. Caddell, „A Behavioral Formuládon of Posüraumaúe Slress Disorder in
    Vietnam Veterans", The Behavior Therapisi 8 (1985): 9 - 12.

  2. S. Freud, A halálösztön és az életösztönök. Ford. Kovács Vilma. Múzsák, Budapest 1991 20.
    16 Kardiner és Spiegel, War, Stress, 201.

  3. P. Janet, Psychological Healmg, [1919] vol. 1., ford. E. Paul és C. Paul (New York: Macmillan,
    1925), 661-663.
    18 D. Lessing, „My Father", in A Small Personal Choice (New York: Random House, 1975), 87
    19 E. A. Brett és R. Ostroff, „Imagery in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: An Overview", American
    Journal of Psychialry 142 (1985). 417-424.
    20 R. J. Lifton, „The Concept of the Survivor", in Survtvors, Vicüms, and Perpetrators: Essays on
    the Nazi Holocaust, szerk. J. E. Dimsdale (New York: Hemisphere, 1980), 113 - 126.

  4. T. O'Brien, „How to Teli a True War Story", in 77ie Things They Carried (Boston: Houghton
    Mifflin, 1990), 89

  5. B. A van der Kolk, „The Trauma Spectrum: The Interaction of Biological and Social Events in
    the Genesis of the Trauma Response", Journal of Traumatic Stress I (1988) 273-290.

  6. L. Terr, „What Happens to Early Memones of Trauma? A Study of Twenty Children Under Age
    Five at the Time of Documented Traumatic Events", Journal of the American Academy of Child
    and Adolesceni Psychialry 27 (1988): 96 - 104.

  7. R. Pitman, „Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Hormones, and Memory", Biological Psychialry 26
    (1989): 221 - 223.

  8. Van der Kolk, „Trauma Spectrum."

  9. B. A. van der Kolk, R Blitz, W. Burr et al., „Nightmares and Trauma", American Journal of
    Psychialry 141 (1984). 187-190; R J Ross, W. A Ball, K. A. Suliivan et al., jSleep Disturbance as
    the Hallmark of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder', American Journal of Psychialry 146 (1989) 697-

  10. 27 L Terr, Too Scared to Cry (New York. HarperCollins 199 0), 238. 239., 247.

  11. Interjú, S. Abdulali, 1991 április 2.

  12. Interjú, S. Simoné, 1991. május 7.

  13. Interjú, K. Smith, 1991. június 14.

  14. Freud, „Pleasure Principlc"

  15. Janet, Psychological Heahng. 603.

  16. M. Horowitz, Slress Response Syndromes (Northvale, NJ. Jason Aronson 1986)
    93 - 94.

  17. P Russell, „Trauma, Repetition and Affért" (A pszichiátriai esetmegbeszélő konferencián
    előadott dolgozat, Cambridge Hospitál, Cambridge, MA, 1990 szeptember 5)

  18. New York Radical Feminist Speakout on Rape, 1971, idézi S. Brownmiller. Aguinst Our Will:
    Klen, Women, and Rape (New York: Simon & Schustcr, 1975), 358.

  19. Idézi P. Bart és P. O'Brien, Stopping Rape: Successfui Survhnl Strategtes (New York:
    Pergamon, 1985), 47.

  20. Idézi: R. Warshaw, / Never Called it Rape (New York: Harper & Row, 1988 ). 56.

  21. Idézi. N. Frankéi és L. Smith, Patton 's Best (New York: Hawthoroe Books 1978), 89.

  22. E. Hilgard, Divided Consciousness: Kiultiple Controls in Humán Thought and Ad ion (New
    York: John Wiley, 1977).

  23. D. Spiegel, „Hypnosis, Dissociation, and Trauma", in Repression and Dissociation Implications
    for Personality Theory. Psychopathology, and Health, szerk. J L Singer (Chicago: University of
    Chicago Press, 1990), 121-142.
    41 Hilgard, Divided Consciousness.

  24. J. Hilgard, Personality and Hypnosis: A Stuay of Imaginative Involvemem (Chicago University
    of Chicago Press, 1970); R K Stutman és E. L. Bliss, „Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,
    Hypnotizability, and Imagery", American Journal of Psychiatry 142 (1985) 741 - 743; D. Spiegel, T.

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