Judith Lewis Herman - Trauma és gyogyulas

(BlackTrush) #1

  1. D. Goleman, „New Psychiatric Syndromes Spur Protesl", New York Times, 1985., november
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  2. L. C. Kolb, olvasói levél, American Journal of Psychiatry 146 (1989): 81 (-812.

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  6. M. Horowitz, Stress Response Syndromes (Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson 1986), 4'' 18 D.
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  7. L. C. Terr, „Childhood Traumas: An Outline and Overview", American Journal of
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  8. J. Goodwin, „Applying to Aduit Incest Victims What We Have Leamed from Victimized
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  9. J. L. Hermán, D. E. H. Russell és K. Trocki, „Long-Term EÍTects of Incestuous Abuse in
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  10. N. Draijer, The Role of Sexual and Physical Abuse in the Eliology of Women s Mentái
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  11. A. Jacobson és B. Richardson, „Assault Experiences of 100 Psychiatric Inpatients Evidence of
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  13. A gyerekkori szexuális bántalmazás hosszú távú következményeiről szóló empink kutatások
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    Literature", Psychological Bulletin 99 (1986): 66-77. Ezt a szakirodalmat szintén összefoglalja C.
    Courtois, Healing the Incest Wound: Aduit Survivors bt Thera (New York: Norton, 1988); J. Briere,
    Therapy for Adults Molested as Children Beyo Survival (New York: Springer, 1989)

  14. Bryer et al., „Childhood Sexual and Physical Abuse."

  15. J. Briere, „Long-Term Clinical Correlates of Childhood Sexual Victimization"
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  16. D. Gelinas, „The Persistent Negatíve EÍTects of Incest", Psychialry 46 (1983)
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  17. American Psychiatric Association, Diagnastíc and Statistical Manuál of Mentái Disorders, 3.
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  18. A. Lazarus, olvasói levél, American Journal of Psychialry 147 (1990): 1390.

  19. I. Yalom, Love's Executioner and Other Tales of Psychoiherapy (New York. Baaic
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  20. H. Omstein, „Briquet's Syndrome in Association with Depression and Pamc A
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