Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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protease inhibitorsA type of antiviral
drugused to delay the progression of
HIVinfection (see AIDS).
proteinsLarge molecules consisting of
hundreds or thousands of amino acids
linked into long chains. Proteins may
also contain sugars (glycoproteins) and
lipids(lipoproteins). There are 2 main
types of proteins. Fibrous proteins are
insoluble and form the structural basis
of many body tissues. Globular proteins
are soluble and include all enzymes,
many hormones, and some blood pro-
teins, such as haemoglobin.
protein synthesisThe formation of
protein molecules through the joining
of amino acids.
proteinuriaThe presence of proteinin
the urine. It may result from kidney dis-
orders, including glomerulonephritisand
urinary tract infection. Increased protein
in the urine may also occur because of a
generalized disorder that causes in-
creased protein in the blood. Proteinuria
is diagnosed by urinalysis.
proton pump inhibitorsA type of
ulcer-healing drugthat is used to treat
peptic ulcers.
protoplasmA term for the entire con-
tents of a cell.
protozoaThe simplest, most primitive
type of animal, consisting of a single
cell. All protozoa are bigger than bacte-
riabut are still microscopic. About 30
types of protozoa
are human parasites,
including those that
are responsible for
giardiasis, sleeping
sickness, trichomon-
and leishmaniasis.
antidepressant drug
that is used to treat
anied by tiredness
and lethargy. Possi-
ble adverse effects
include palpitations,
anxiety, insomnia,
and a rash that be-
comes worse when
exposed to sunlight.

proximalA term describing a part of
the body nearer to a central point of ref-
erence, such as the trunk.
prurigoThickening and itchingof the
skindue to repeated scratching.
pruritusThe medical term for itching.
pruritus aniItching of the anus. Causes
may include an anal fissure, haemor-
rhoids, or threadworm infestation.
PSAAn abbreviation for prostate spe-
cific antigen.
pseud-/pseudo-Prefixes meaning false.
pseudarthrosisA term meaning false
joint, used to describe an operation in
which the ends of the 2 opposing bones
in a joint are removed and a piece of tis-
sue is fixed in the gap as a cushion.
The term also describes a rare child-
hood condition in which congenital
abnormality of the lower half of the tibia
leads to spontaneousfracture.
pseudocyesisSee pregnancy, false.
pseudodementiaSevere depressionin
elderly people that mimics dementia.
Symptoms include intellectual impair-
ment and loss of memory.
pseudoephedrineA decongestant drug
used to relieve nasal congestion. High
doses may cause anxiety, nausea, and
dizziness. Occasionally, hypertension,
headache, and palpitationsoccur.
pseudoepidemicAn outbreak of an ill-
ness in a community or in an institution
that is thought to be due to a form of
hysteria. Typical symptoms are head-
ache and a general feeling of sickness.
pseudogoutA form of arthritis that
results from the deposition of calcium
pyrophosphate crystals in a joint. The
underlying cause is unknown; in rare
cases, it is a complication of diabetes
mellitus, hyperparathyroidism, and haem-
ochromatosis. Symptoms are similar to
gout. Diagnosis is from a sample of
joint fluid. Treatment is with nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs).
pseudohermaphroditismA congeni-
talabnormality in which the external
genitalia resemble those of the oppo-
site sex, but ovarian or testicular tissue
is present as normal. A female pseudo-
hermaphrodite may have an enlarged
clitorisresembling a penisand enlarged
labiaresembling a scrotum. A male may
have a very small penis and a divided







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