Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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in turn. The effect of different lenses on
the beam of light determines whether
glasses are needed for various refractive
errors, such as hypermetropia, myopia,
or astigmatism. Retinoscopy is particu-
larly useful for assessing babies or
young children.
retractorA surgical instrument used to
hold an incision open or to hold back
surrounding tissue.
retrobulbar neuritisA form of optic
neuritisin which the optic nerve be-
comes inflamed behind the eyeball.
retrogradeMoving backwards or in an
opposite direction to normal. For exam-
ple, in retrograde ejaculation, semen is
forced into the bladder rather than out
through the tip of the penis (see ejacu-
lation, disorders of).
retrolental fibroplasiaAlso called
retinopathyof prematurity, a condition
that mainly affects the eyes of prema-
ture infants. The usual cause is high
concentrations of oxygenbeing given as
part of the treatment for respiratory dis-
tress. Excess oxygen causes the tissues
at the margin of the retinato shut down
their blood vessels. When oxygen con-
centrations return to normal, the affected
tissues may send strands of new vessels
and fibrous scar tissue into the vitreous
humour. This may interfere with vision
and cause retinal detachment. Laser
treatmentmay be used.

mation and scarring
of tissues at the
back of the abdom-
inal cavity. The
fibrosis often blocks
the ureters, pre-
venting urine flow
from the kidneys.
In severe cases,
this results in kid-
ney failure. Most
cases occur in mid-
dle-aged men and
are of unknown
cause, but long-
term treatment with
the drug methy-
sergidecan cause
the condition.
retrosternal painPain in the central
region of the chest, behind the sternum.
Causes include irritation of the oesoph-
agus, angina pectoris, or myocardial
infarction. (See also chest pain.)
retrovirusA type of virus whose genetic
material is RNArather than DNAand
that uses an enzyme called reverse tran-
scriptase to produce DNA from the RNA
template. The DNA can then be incor-
porated into its host cells. A notable
example of a retrovirus is HIV(human
immunodeficiency virus).
Rett’s syndromeA brain disorder,
thought to be a genetic disorder, that
only affects girls. Symptoms usually
occur when the child is 12–18 months
old. Acquired skills, such as walking and
communication skills, disappear and the
girl becomes progressively handicapped,
perhaps with signs of autism. There are
repetitive writhing movements of the
hands and limbs, and inappropriate out-
bursts of crying or laughter. There is no
cure for Rett’s syndrome and sufferers
need constant care and attention. Par-
ents of an affected child should receive
genetic counselling.
reverse transcriptase inhibitorsA
class of drugs used in the treatment of
diseases, including HIVinfection, that
are caused by retroviruses. The drugs
affect the ability of the virus to reproduce
by blocking reverse transcriptase, a key




of light Lens

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