Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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herpes simplexor to a bacterial infec-
tion. In some cases, it may be necessary
to drainpus from the abscess.
WHOThe commonly used abbreviation
for the World Health Organization.
whooping coughSee pertussis.
will, livingSee living will.
Wilms’ tumourA type of kidney cancer,
also called nephroblastoma, that occurs
mainly in children.
Wilson’s diseaseA rare, inherited dis-
order in which copper accumulates in
the liver, resulting in conditions such as
hepatitisand cirrhosis. Copper is slowly
released into other body parts, damag-
ing the brain, causing mild intellectual
impairment, and leading to debilitating
rigidity, tremor, and dementia. Symp-
toms usually appear in adolescence but
can occur much earlier or later. Lifelong
treatment with penicillamineis needed
and, if begun soon enough, can some-
times produce some improvement. If
the disease is discovered before the
onset of symptoms, the drug may pre-
vent them from developing.
windA common name for gas in the gas-
trointestinal tract, which may be expelled
through the mouth (see belching) or
passed through the anus (see flatus).
Babies often swallow air during feed-
ing which, unless the baby is “winded”,
can accumulate in the stomach and
cause discomfort.
windpipeAnother name for the trachea.
wiring of the jawsImmobilization of
the jaws by means of metal wires to
allow a fracture of the jaw to heal or as
part of a treatment for obesity.
When a fracture is being treated, the
jaws are kept wired in a fixed position for
about 6 weeks. For promoting weight
loss, the jaws are wired for as long as a
year. In both cases, the person is unable
to chew and can take only a liquid or
semi-liquid diet. This form of diet treat-
ment often fails because the person
resumes previous eating habits follow-
ing removal of the wires.
wisdom toothOne of the 4 rearmost
teeth, also known as 3rd molars. The
wisdom teeth normally erupt between
the ages of 17 and 21, but in some peo-
ple, 1 or more fails to develop or erupt.
In many cases, wisdom teeth are unable

to emerge fully from the gum as a result
of overcrowding (see impaction, dental).
witches’ milkA thin, white discharge
from the nipple of a newborn infant,
caused by maternal hormones that
entered the fetus’s circulation through
the placenta. Witches’ milk occurs quite
commonly. It is usually accompanied by
enlargement of 1 or both of the baby’s
breasts. The condition is harmless and
usually disappears spontaneously with-
in a few weeks.
withdrawalThe process of retreating
from society and from relationships
with others; usually indicated by aloof-
ness, lack of interest in social activities,
preoccupation with one’s own concerns,
and difficulty in communicating.
The term is also applied to the psy-
chological and physical symptoms that
develop on discontinuing use of a sub-
stance on which a person is dependent
(see withdrawal syndrome).
withdrawal bleedingVaginal blood
loss that occurs when the body’s level of
oestrogenor progesterone hormones or
progestogen drugsdrops suddenly.
The withdrawal bleeding that occurs at
the end of each month’s supply of com-
bined oral contraceptive pills mimics
menstruation but is usually shorter and
lighter. Discontinuation of an oestrogen-
only or progestogen-only preparation
also produces bleeding, which may dif-
fer from normal menstruation in its
amount and duration.
withdrawal methodSee coitus inter-
withdrawal syndrome Unpleasant men-
tal and physical symptoms experienced
when a person stops using a drug on
which he or she is dependent (see drug
dependence). Withdrawal syndrome most
commonly occurs in those with alcohol
dependence ordependence on opioids,
in smokers, and in people addicted to
tranquillizers, amfetamines, cocaine, mari-
juana,and caffeine.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms start 6–8
hours after cessation of intake and may
last up to 7 days. They include trembling
of the hands, nausea, vomiting, sweat-
ing, cramps, anxiety, and, sometimes,
seizures. (See also confusion, delirium
tremens, and hallucinations.)



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