The Economist UK - 14.03.2020

(Frankie) #1

74 Science & technology The EconomistMarch 14th 2020


ccasionally, a fossilturns up that
reminds people of how little is really
known about the past. This, perhaps, is
such a discovery. It is the skull, a mere
7mm long, of a tiny, yet full-grown dino-
saur, preserved in amber from a deposit
in northern Myanmar which is 99m years
old. That dates it to the middle of the
Cretaceous, more than 30m years before
this period’s more famous dinosaurian
Tyrannosaurus, bestrode what is now
North America.
Extrapolating from its skull,Oculu-
dentavis khaungraaewould have been
about the size of a bee hummingbird, the
smallest bird now alive. And—confus-
ingly to modern sensibilities, which are
used to thinking of “dinosaurs” and
“birds” as separate categories—it was a

bird, too. It belonged to a group called the
Enantiornithes, which were similar to
modern birds, theNeornithes,except
that evolution did not deprive them of
either their teeth or the claws on their
forelimbs, even though those forelimbs
were fully functional wings.
The Enantiornithes perished along
with most other dinosaurs (and about
three-quarters of the rest of the planet’s
animal and plant species) in a collision,
66m years ago, between Earth and an
asteroid. The Neornithes, though, sur-
vived this catastrophe and went on to
become, in 1758, the class of animals
called Aves in Linnaeus’s “Systema Natu-
rae”. This classification predated the
discovery of fossil dinosaurs (indeed, it
predated the realisation that Earth is far
older than suggested by Biblical and
other mythical traditions). That, and the
everyday familarity of birds, has made it
hard to grasp that the Aves truly are a
group of dinosaurs.
The formal description ofO. khaun-
graaewas published this week inNature
by Xing Lida of the China University of
Geosciences, in Beijing, who has many
previous discoveries from the north-
Burmese amber to his name. There is
evidence that the area in which it lived
was, at the time, an island in an archipel-
ago in a vanished ocean called Tethys. Dr
Xing and his colleagues therefore specu-
late that it may have been a product of
island dwarfism—a tendency of insular
species to shrink, compared to their
mainland relatives. Whatever the expla-
nation for its size, though,O. khaungraae
now shares with the bee hummingbird
(which is not a product of island dwar-
fism, but rather of its habit of feeding on
the nectar of flowers) the title of “small-
est dinosaur known”.

The smallest dinosaur?


Another intriguing discovery from the amber mines of Myanmar

Small, but perfectly preserved


ar zones are dangerous places.
Where better, then, for a nuclear reac-
tor? On March 9th America’s government
awarded a trio of firms $39.7m to design
“microreactors” that can supply a few
megawatts of power to remote military
bases, and be moved quickly by road, rail,
sea and air.
The idea of small reactors is as old as nu-
clear power itself. In July 1951, five months
before a reactor in Idaho became the first in
the world to produce usable electricity
through fission, America began building
ussNautilus, a nuclear-powered subma-
rine. In the 1960s and 1970s small reactors
powered bases in Alaska and Greenland, a
radar facility in Wyoming, a research sta-
tion in Antarctica and—from a cargo ship—
the Panama Canal Zone. America still uses
nuclear-powered submarines and aircraft-
carriers. But land-based mini-reactors
proved unreliable and expensive and have
fallen out of favour.
Interest has been revived by recent
wars, in which American forces proved ex-
traordinarily hungry for energy. Early in
the Iraq war, fuel made up over a third of
the tonnage transported to the region. Be-
tween 2001 and 2010, over half of American
casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan oc-
curred during land-transport missions,
many involving fuel deliveries to remote
outposts. Portable reactors could substi-
tute for unreliable power grids or the gen-
erators that often take their place.
America’s armed forces use about 30
terawatt-hours of electricity per year—
about the same as Ireland—and more than
35m litres of fuel per day. In 2016 a report by
the Defence Science Board, a committee of
experts, concluded that demand would
surge as new power-hungry weapons, like
lasers and rail-guns, come to maturity. Ve-
hicles are also moving away from fossil fu-
els: America expects to have all-electric bri-
gades within the decade. A report by the
army in 2018 said that Holos, a prototype
mobile nuclear reactor, would be 62%
cheaper than using liquid fuel.
It is not just American troops experi-
menting with mobile nuclear power. nasa
is developing smaller “Kilopower” reactors
for space missions, designed to power
small lunar outposts. Russia already uses
larger floating reactors for its nuclear-pow-
ered icebreakers. China plans to install
similar devices on disputed islands in the
South China Sea.

But the planned microreactors would
be distinct in several ways. They are in-
tended to be assembled in a factory and
shipped in one piece, doing away with the
need for tricky engineering in remote
places. They should weigh under 40 tonnes
and fit onto the back of an articulated lorry.
And they are supposed to run themselves,
with “minimal monitoring” from afar.
The risks are manageable, say propo-
nents. Designs feature “passive safety” sys-
tems, which keep working even if electric-
ity is lost or a component breaks. Cooling
pumps can be replaced by natural convec-
tion currents, for instance. The reactors

use “tristructural isotropic particle fuel”, in
which blobs of fissile uranium (along with
oxygen and carbon) are wrapped in layers
of carbon and silicon carbide. The pellets
can withstand high temperatures, contain
radioactive contamination and limit the
impact of accidents. The reactors them-
selves “would be shielded and protected,
and possibly placed in a hole in the
ground”, says Bill Lee, a nuclear engineer
and materials scientist at Bangor Universi-
ty, in Wales. A nuclear meltdown should be
“physically impossible”, says the Pentagon.
The grunts on the ground will be hoping
that is right. 7

Nuclear power plants are coming to a
battlefield near you

Atomic energy

Fun-sized fission

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