Tumeremo – Guasipati - 61 km
Guasipati was a short cycle away and an additional settlement whose economy
depended heavily on gold. Though we encountered more rain, the ride remained
scenic. The traffic sometimes scared me, as vehicles drove only at top speed.
Nothing slowed them, neither potholes nor sharp corners. They flew past,
squeezing between us and oncoming traffic at high speed.
Guasipati didn’t look like much, and one could barely believe that in 1853 “the
richest gold mines in the world” were discovered there. But unfortunately, no sign
of its former glory remained.
Guasipati – Upata - 101 km
The 100 kilometres to Upata were, yet again, enjoyable. Our path wound over hills
and through forests until arriving in Upata. Once in Upata, we headed to the
supermarket, as usual. By then, we were used to receiving a few stares, but I didn't
know what to answer when asked if I was a hippie. LOL!