
(Yamap PanWkjlrJ) #1



I have utilized the CLO patternmaking function to finalize the fitting of four distinct looks and generate modified patterns for constructing the ultimate

garments. Additionally, I have employed realistic fabric rendering techniques to visually represent the garments, incorporating various design elements within

each look to eff ectively convey the desired theme and aesthetics.

To present the collection seamlessly, I have compiled a comprehensive 3D outfit lookbook using Adobe InDesign. This lookbook showcases the individual

styles in a captivating and cohesive manner, employing an engaging flow that transitions from one style to another. Each scene within the lookbook is

thoughtfully craft ed, employing appropriate lighting techniques such as warm or cold tones, and varied settings like indoor rooms and outdoor beach

locations. These elements collectively serve to illustrate the versatility and adaptability of the garments, highlighting not only how they can be worn but also

where they can be worn.

Overall, through the utilization of CLO patternmaking, realistic fabric rendering, and meticulous scene composition in the 3D outfit lookbook, I have

endeavored to present a professional and visually compelling representation of the design theme and aesthetics inherent in each look.


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