
(Brent) #1
Business Spotlight SCHIMPFEN IM BERUF^15

Showing agreement

● (^) Abso-fucking-lutely!
● (^) Fuck yeah!
Expressing disbelief/
● (^) For fuck’s sake!
● (^) Fuck me! / Fuck off!
● (^) No fucking way!
● (^) Un-fucking-believable!
Showing confusion/
● (^) How the fuck did that
● (^) What/Where/Who/Why
the fuck...?
Expressing indifference
● (^) I don’t give a fuck.
● (^) Who gives a fuck?
Common abbreviations
● (^) FUBAR (= fucked beyond all
● (^) sweet FA (= fuck all)
● (^) WTF! (= What the fuck!)
In business situations, the f-word is best avoided, unless you know
your colleagues are OK with it. Interestingly, the f-word has a wide
range of uses that you won’t find with other words. We use it as an
imperative (“Fuck off !”), a noun (“Fuck knows!”), an adjective (“I’m a
fucking idiot!”/ “That's fucked up”), an adverb (“It’s still fucking rain-
ing!” / “It was fucking hilarious!”), a phrasal verb (“We fucked up”) or,
very rarely, as part of a word (“abso-fucking-lutely”). And its meaning
can change according to the context: “We’re so fucked!” could mean
“we have a serious problem” or, simply, that we’re exhausted.
Illustration: Bernhard Förth

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