
(Brent) #1

Fotos: Ian Dagnall/Alamy Stock Photo; zotyaba/; Instagram; PR

2/2020 Business Spotlight

With Rivers of London, Ben Aaronovitch
first created his own unique mash-up
of fantasy fiction and urban crime
novels, back in 2011. In the meantime,
he’s written a whole series of books
that mix magic with the metropoli-
tan police. His latest work is a novella,
The October Man. This time, he turns
his charms on another river, the Kyll,
which runs through Trier, the oldest
city in Germany. You can enjoy this
adventure without knowing the oth-
ers, but you might be tempted to read
them afterwards. The next instalment
in London, False Value, is planned for

  1. Published by Gollancz.

Vanessa Redgrave rarely moves
out of the bed in Mrs Lowry & Son,
but her performance as the cruel,
domineering mother of L. S. Lowry
(1887–1976) is formidable. Lowry,
played movingly by Timothy Spall,
is one of Britain’s national treasures
(along with Redgrave and Spall).
The Mancunian artist captured
England’s industrial north in the
first half of the 20th century us-
ing, he claimed, only five colours:
black, white, yellow, red and blue.
This gives many of his paintings
of matchstick people a somewhat
gloomy air. The style disappointed
his mother and put off the art world
for years. The film is filled with
strong dialogues — it was originally
written as a radio play — but there
are also some wonderful scenes in
which Lowry’s most famous paint-
ings seem to come to life.

fiction and

A British
film: full
of national

air [eE] , Atmosphäre
capture sth. [(kÄptSE]
, etw. einfangen
, herrschsüchtig
, beeindruckend
gloomy [(glu:mi]
, düster

, aus Manchester
, Streichholz
put sb. off
[)pUt (Qf]
, jmdn. abschrecken
treasure [(treZE]
, hier: Kulturikone

instalment [In(stO:lmEnt]
, Fortsetzung
mash-up [(mÄS Vp] ifml.
, Mix
novella [nEU(velE]
, kurzer Roman,
tempted [(temptId]
, verleitet
turn one’s charms on sth.
[)t§:n wVnz (tSA:mz Qn]
, etwa: sein Talent /
seine Kreativität auf
etw. verwenden
unique [ju(ni:k]
, einzigartig

classy [(klA:si] ifml.
, erstklassig
, hier: zugehörig
free trial [)fri: (traIEl]
, kostenloser Testzeitraum

genre [(ZQnrE]
, [wg. Aussprache]
given that... [(gIv&n DÄt]
, angesichts der
Tatsache, dass ...
passionate: be ~ about sth.
, von etw. begeistert sein

The main streaming platforms have pret-
ty much neglected classical music in their
search for paid listeners. A strange decision,
given that fans of this genre tend to be pas-
sionate about music. An understandable one,
however, considering the genre’s complexity.
Former management consultant and pianist
Thomas Steffens has developed a solution:
a classical streaming service with dedicat-
ed app that is as classy as the music you can
stream on it. After a 14-day free trial, Prime-
phonic Platinum costs €149.99 a year, and
Premium costs €79.99.

For passionate music
lovers: a classy app
Free download pdf