
(Brent) #1

4 SCHIMPFEN IM BERUF Business Spotlight

What does it mean?

Before you can get better at “schimpfen”, we first need

to look at what it means. It’s one of those words that are

tricky to translate.

  1. The verb schimpfen is often
    translated as swear or curse
    in English, especially when
    it refers to using words that
    some people may find offen-
    sive: Normalerweise hätte ich laut
    geschimpft, aber mein Chef war
    neben mir!

● (^) “Normally, I would have
sworn out loud, but my boss
was next to me!”

  1. When schimpfen refers to
    saying you are not happy or
    satisfied with something, we
    translate it as complain o r,
    when the complaining is done
    in an annoying way, moan or
    groan: Hör auf, über die engen
    Fristen zu schimpfen!

● (^) “Stop moaning about the
tight deadlines!”

  1. When schimpfen is described
    as ausgiebig, heftig or wütend,

we translate it as rant o r,
when the shouting gets really
loud, rant and rave or kick up
a fuss: Unser Chef hat heftig über
die Kunden geschimpft!

● (^) “Our boss was ranting and
raving about the customers.”

  1. When mit jmdm. schimpfen is
    used to mean “criticize some-
    one angrily”, we say tell sb. off.
    If the language used is strong,
    we can also say tear sb. apart
    or tear into sb.: Hast du gehört,
    wie sie mit Julia geschimpft hat?

● (^) “Did you hear how she tore
into Julia? Unbelievable!”

  1. Finally, if you need to trans-
    late wüst schimpfen, say use
    foul/strong language: Es ist
    unzumutbar, wie wüst er schimpft.

● (^) “It’s unacceptable the way he
uses foul language.”

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