The Spartan Regime_ Its Character, Origins, and Grand Strategy - Paul Anthony Rahe

(Dana P.) #1

Index of Subjects 203

customary secrecy, 2–3, 114, 130,
133–34, 174, 187
eugenics, 9–10, 149
gymnasium, 10, 59, 105
long hair, 23, 155–56
marriage practices, 26–27, 159
musical culture, 14–23
phılonıkía (love of victory), 51
phılotımía (love of honor), 40–41, 56,
piety with regard to the gods, 12–13,
16–17, 41–43, 105, 122, 152–53,
procreative strategy and demographic
trajectory, 12, 23, 34, 118–19, 122,
129–34, 149–50, 152, 156, 167,
176, 192–93
plague as possible influence,
sacrifice to Muses before battle, 23,
secret craving for wealth, susceptibility
to bribery, 9, 21, 27–31, 45–47, 52,
57, 106, 149–50, 160–61, 168, 170
transhumance perhaps once a practice,
71–72, 174
tremblers (cowards), brutal treatment
of, v, 20, 32–34, 43, 162
wife-sharing, 26, 117, 158–59
wine imbibed before battle, 23,

oligarchy in Greece, oligarchic, 1, 41, 60–61,
119, 123, 144
Olympic Games, 76, 95, 158, 174, 176
oral tradition, 66, 71, 99, 135, 145, 172–76,
183, 185

Peace of Nicias, 34, 73, 175
Peloponnesian League, 42, 90, 114–23, 132,
165, 188–89
Peloponnesian War, xii, 3–4, 30, 32, 46,
126–29, 134
phúsıs (nature) vs. nómos (convention, law,
custom), xiii, 65, 172
Plataea, battle of, 33, 130–32, 170

Second Messenian War, 19, 94–97, 114, 116,
182, 186
Spartan polıteía (citizenship, constitution,
regime, regimen, way of life), xii–xv, 1–63,
72–114, 121–38, 143–73, 183–85, 189–91,
balances and checks, 41, 99, 122

damasímbrotos (man-subduing), 29,
105, 161, 185
designed to prevent stásıs (partisan-
ship, faction, civil strife), 8–10, 14,
39–41, 61, 154
emergence and formation of, 98–114
Great Rhetra, 98, 104, 146, 154, 168,
183, 185
kósmos (beautifully ordered whole),
xv, 105, 121, 136, 144, 185, 189,
mixed regime, 41, 60–61, 122, 164,
aristocratic element, 1, 10–12, 44,
52–55, 60–62, 66, 93, 101–5,
114, 171–72, 184
democratic element, 1–3, 37, 41,
51, 53, 60–61, 91–92, 102–5,
144–45, 163, 180–81
monarchical element, 1, 41, 60,
102, 104, 170
políteuma (ruling order) of Spartiates
defines, xi–xiv, 1–63, 72–114,
121–38, 143–75, 182, 187, 191–92
produces eunomía (good order), xv,
14, 16, 52, 105, 121, 144, 154, 185,
shift from organization by three tribes
to organization by five villages,
statelessness, 37–39, 163
totalitarian comparison, 2, 145
subordinate classes within Lacedaemon
helots (servile sharecroppers), 9–11,
17–19, 23–24, 33, 42–43, 49,
75–76, 79, 96–97, 102, 104,
112–36, 149–54, 165, 169, 175–76,
179, 182, 184–92
earthquake in Laconia in 465/4
and helot revolt, 97, 116,
131–34, 157, 192
old Achaean stock in Laconia, 11,
42, 68, 75, 151, 165, 175
hupomeíones (inferiors), 24, 157
móthakes (half-breeds put through
agōgḗ: system of education and
indoctrination), 131, 192
Partheníaı (so-called “sons of the
virgins”) denied allotments,
expelled, 79–80, 119, 176
períoıkoı (free “dwellers-about”),
11–12, 43, 47, 72–76, 102, 113,
122, 130–32, 149, 152, 167, 169,
175, 187, 192
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