The Spartan Regime_ Its Character, Origins, and Grand Strategy - Paul Anthony Rahe

(Dana P.) #1

Index of Persons and Places 211

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, v, 1, 7, 29, 35, 39–40,
48, 153, 161–62, 168
Russia, 2

Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus), xiii
Samos off the Anatolian coast, Samians, 8,
103, 185
Sardis, capital of Lydia, 95
Schliemann, Heinrich, 66
Scythia north and east of the Black Sea,
Scythians, 7
Shakespeare, William, 15
Sicyon in the Peloponnesus, Sicyonians, xviii,
110, 117–18, 186
Simonides of Ceos, 29, 98, 100, 105, 161, 183,
Socrates son of Sophroniscus, philosopher, 3,
5, 135
Solon of Athens, 62, 144, 150, 181
Sophocles son of Sophilus, tragedian, 13, 27,
89, 164
Antigone, 27, 89, 159, 164
Soulima valley in Messenia, 75, 94, 107,
Spendon the Laconian, lyric poet, 11
Sphacteria, isle near Pylos, xi, 34, 130, 162
Sphaerus of Borysthenes, xiii, 4–5, 135, 147,
Stenyklaros, plain along Pamisos river in
northern Messenia, 75–76, 79–80, 89,
104, 107, 109, 111–13, 119
Sthenelaidas the ephor, 53, 171
Styphon son of Pharax, xi–xii

Tacitus, Cornelius, historian, xiii, 61, 155
Taenarum, Cape, between Laconian and
Messenian Gulfs, 75–76, 107
Taenarum, village of períoıkoı (free “dwellers-
about”), 102, 184
three ephors, 102, 184
Tanagra, 132
Taras, Spartan colony in Magna Graecia,
78–79, 100–102, 176, 184
king and three ephors, 100–102,
Taygetus, Mount, between Laconia and
Messenia, 11, 19, 74–76, 93, 106–10,
113–14, 121, 187
roads built over and around, 75,
106–10, 186
Tegea in Arcadia, Tegeans, xviii, 3, 75, 107,
114–16, 118, 131–32, 171, 188
Teisamenos, legendary son of Orestes, 116,
bones of, 115–16, 188

Teleklos, eighth-century Agiad king, 70,
74–75, 89, 108, 175
Terpander of Lesbos, lyric poet, 11, 14, 93,
98, 103, 105, 154, 181, 183
Thalamai on the Messenian Gulf, 75, 107–8
Thaletas of Gortyn, lyric poet, 93, 98, 103,
105, 182–83
Tharyx of Phigaleia, 95, 112, 182
Thebes in Boeotia, Thebans, xviii, 11, 27, 77,
89, 111, 144, 151, 159, 179, 193
charioteers and footmen, 89, 179
Themistogenes of Syracuse, 146
Theophrastus of Eresus, xiii, 4–5, 51, 135,
147, 169–70, 192
Theopompus of Chios, 114, 175
Theopompus son of Nikandros, late
eight-century, early seventh-century
Eurypontid king, 53, 70, 76, 89, 94,
98–105, 113, 176, 183, 185, 188
Thera, Spartan colony in the Cyclades,
Theraeans, 77–79, 100–102, 176, 184
king, three ephors, gerousía (council
of elders), and perhaps helots,
100–102, 184
Thermopylae, xviii
Theseus, legendary king of Athens, 67, 147
Thessaly in Central Greece, Thessalians, 33,
90, 131, 159
Thibron of Sparta, harmost, 3, 146
Thouria in Messenia, 107, 113
Thucydides son of Olorus, historian, xiii–xv,
2, 7, 11, 34–35, 40, 71–72, 79, 86, 114,
125–33, 143–44, 151–52, 160, 162,
165–66, 169, 174, 184, 187, 192
Timaeus of Tauromenium, historian, 99,
Tiryns in the Argolid, Tirynthians, 66, 90
Tithonos, legendary son of Cephalus, 21
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 10, 181
Tourkoleka on western slopes of Taygetus,
Triphylia in the Peloponnesus, 75, 77, 95,
Troezen in the Argolic Akte, Troezenians,
Troy in Anatolia, 22, 66, 80–81, 111, 173
Tyndareus, legendary king of Sparta, 77,
Tyrtaeus, lyric poet at Lacedaemon, xv,
16–23, 33, 76, 87–88, 94, 96, 104–5,
111–12, 121, 144, 152–55, 166, 173,
176, 179, 182–87, 190

United States of America, 8, 36–37, 39–40,
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