8 the spectator | 29 february 2020 | http://www.spectator.co.uk
performance in last week’s TV debate. The
person who lost that debate in Nevada was
indisputably Mike Bloomberg. He still has
enough money to brainwash and cajole large
chunks of the electorate. He had a slightly
better debate this week in South Carolina,
but everybody knows he has a serious per-
sonality problem.
Team Bloomberg and Team Sanders now
loathe each other — possibly more than they
despise Trump. After Bloomberg’s campaign
offices were vandalised this week, his staff
were quick to blame Sanders’s inflamma-
tory language. Bloomberg then upped hos-
tilities by attacking Sanders for having once
had the support of the gun lobby. It is heresy
to be pro-gun in some Democratic circles;
then again, plenty of Democrats love guns.
That’s the point about Bernie: the usual
rules don’t apply. Similar to Trump, his sup-
posed weak spots are his strengths. His
fuddy- duddy appearance makes him cool.
His socialist radicalism is so old-fashioned
that it speaks to conservatives. He can
win over ultra-progressives in multiracial
metropolises while appearing to stand up
for poor whites in rural areas. He has that
populist juju. If the media ignores him, that’s
an elite conspiracy; if they attack him, ditto.
So he once wrote a strange essay about rape.
So what?
Sanders shrugs off criticism. On Monday,
at a CNN Town Hall, he was challenged for
having said that Fidel Castro’s literacy pro-
grammes were a success. ‘The truth is the
truth,’ he said. He’ll get away with that. Brit-
ish observers might be reminded of Corbyn
and the IRA stuff: a minority feels outraged
that a man who supported the bad guys can
be so brazen; the majority can’t remember
and doesn’t care.
Some commentators are also eager to
claim that Sanders’s movement is, like Cor-
byn’s, racist against Jews, because he has
the support of public figures such as Linda
Sasour and Ilhan Omar, who have flirted
with anti-Semitism. But that point is neatly
undercut by the fact that Bernie is a proud
Jew who once lived on a kibbutz. It would
be an irony of almost biblical proportions if
the first Jewish president turned out to be a
rabid anti-Semite.
Unless the various attack machines can
find a way to stop him in the coming days,
or Bloomberg somehow rigs a brokered
party convention in July, Sanders will be
the nominee. Yet beating Donald Trump is
another matter. Can Sanders win over those
six million or so swing voters who supported
Barack Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016?
He might speak to their lingering disgruntle-
ment. Yet it’s equally possible that a boom-
ing economy has locked them in for Trump.
The economy could turn bad — but
even then a Trump vs Sanders contest might
prove that right-wing populism out-muscles
left-wing populism. Team Trump will por-
tray Sanders as ‘the job killer’ because he
wants to ban fracking and abandon the cur-
rent healthcare system, both of which would
put an enormous number of people out of
work. That point could be far more devastat-
ing than any grainy footage of young Bernie
saying the gulags weren’t so bad.
Sanders could choose a black running
mate to boost Democratic turnout among
African-Americans, something Hillary
Clinton failed to do. But he needs to mobi-
lise huge numbers of black voters to win in
November — and Trump has had some suc-
cess countering that Democratic advantage
with his appeals to African-Americans.
Bernie may indeed be the best-placed
Democratic candidate to beat Trump. That
doesn’t mean he will.
Hear Freddy Gray’s weekly podcast on the
latest in American politics.
ernie beats Trump! Bernie beats
Trump!’ That’s what Bernie Sand-
ers’s fans keep chanting, and they
have the polls to prove it. Survey after sur-
vey suggests that, of all the leading candi-
dates for the Democratic party’s nomina-
tion, Sanders is most likely to defeat Don-
ald Trump in the election in November. Vot-
ers like Bernie. Some 46 per cent of voters
say they admire him. Only 26 per cent say
the same of President Trump.
Still, most political experts think Sanders
will be a disaster for the Democratic party.
He may be popular with the base, they say,
but he is far too left-wing for the general
electorate: 2020 would be a repeat of 1972,
when the radical leftie George McGovern
lost to Richard Nixon in a landslide. Sand-
ers as nominee would all but guarantee four
more years of Trump and put both houses
of Congress back under Republican control.
Senior Democrats are freaking out. At
the candidates’ debate in South Carolina
on Tuesday night, Michael Bloomberg even
rehashed the idea that Vladimir Putin is
driving Sanders’s success — a sure sign of
elite despair.
What Sanders’s campaign has really
shown is that all the expert theories as to
why Bernie can’t win are not so clever. It’s
said that he can’t appeal to racial minorities,
yet in Nevada last weekend he won 27 per
cent of African-American voters and 53 per
cent of Hispanics. It’s said that only young
voters are drawn to his socialism, yet he
won every age group apart from the over-
65s. He’s meant to have a ‘ceiling’ of about
30 per cent of Democratic voters, yet he
won about 47 per cent of the vote, including
about 22 per cent of voters who identified as
‘moderate’. By Wednesday next week, after
Super Tuesday — when 14 states vote — his
lead could be insurmountable.
The best news for Bernie is that his rivals
are so weak. Joe Biden’s candidacy is a sad
spectacle, his mind is gone, yet his zombie
campaign drags itself on. Pete Buttigieg is
a clear second in the delegate count, yet his
pale imitation of Barack Obama’s rhetori-
cal style leaves people cold. Amy Klobuchar
is doing enough not to be discounted, yet
not well enough to count. Elizabeth War-
ren has faded dramatically, but she kept
her candidacy on life support with a good
Sanders, Trump, and the populist juju
Bernie might speak to swing voters.
But the booming economy may have
locked them in for Trump
‘Yes, you could say we’re self-isolating.’
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Freddy Gray PolCol_29 Feb 2020_The Spectator 8 26/02/2020 12: