Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

ratios to expected growth rates, betas, payout ratios, and
numberofpagesin the10-Kfor eachofthesefirms(asa
measure of complexity) in 2001. The regression is
summarized here:

Thus,afirmwitha 15 percentreturnonequity,abetaof1.15,
expectedgrowthrateof 10 percent,and 350 pagesinthe10-K
would have a price-to-book ratio of:

Relative Valuation

Most analysts value companies using multiples and
comparable firms. How can this approach be modified to
consider the following options:

  • Ifa firmisin multiplebusinesses,we couldvalue
    different comparable firms, rather than trying to
    reports revenues or earnings from unspecified
    withheld), our estimate of relative value for these
    businessesshouldbeconservative.Forinstance, we
    could treat these earnings as both risky and
    low-growth and apply a low multiple to estimate

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