Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

  • Does thecompany give an output forecast of any

  • Does the company give characteristics of assets

  • Does the company provide efficiency indicators
    (ROA, ROE, etc.)?

  • Does the company provide any industry-specific

  • Doesthecompanydiscloseitsplansforinvestmentin
    the coming years?

  • Doesthecompanydisclosedetailsofitsinvestment
    plans in the coming years?

Accounting Policy Review

  • Doesthecompanyprovidefinancialinformationona
    quarterly basis?

  • Does the company discuss its accounting policy?

  • Doesthecompany discloseaccountingstandards it
    uses for its accounts?

  • Doesthecompanyprovideaccountsaccordingtothe
    local accounting standards?

  • Doesthecompany provideaccountsin analternate
    the company provide each of the balance sheet,
    income statements, and cash flow statements by
    internationally recognized methods?

  • Does the company provide a reconciliation of its
    domestic accounts to internationally recognized

Accounting Policy Details

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