Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

two years to maintenance levels. The following table
summarizes ourassumptions onrevenue growth,EBITDA/
sales, and reinvestment needs over the next 10 years.

For both revenue growth and improvement in EBITDA
earlieryears. Notethat thechangesindepreciation lagthe
and depreciation drops later. Finally, we assumed that the
year into working capital based on the industry averages.

With these forecasts, we estimated revenues, operating
income, and after-tax operating income each year for the
high-growth period in the following table (in millions of
dollars).To estimatetaxes,weconsideredthenetoperating
lossescarriedforwardinto 2001 of$2,075millionandadded
of the projection.

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