Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

  1. Firms with long-term operating, strategic, or financial
    problems can have extended periods of negative or low
    earnings. If we replace current earnings with normalized
    earnings and value these firms, we will overvalue them.

    • Ifafirmseemstobeinahopelessstateandaboutto
      go bankrupt, the only models that are likely to
      pricing model (if financial leverage is high) or a
      model based on liquidation value.

    • If, though, the firmis troubled but unlikely to go
      bankrupt,wewillhavetonurseitbackto financial
      operatingmarginsover timeto healthierlevelsand
      value the firm based on its expected cash flows.

initial periods of growth, not because it is unhealthy but
cash flowsto thefirmand equity areoften also negative,
becausethecapital expenditureneedsfor thistype offirm
tendto be disproportionatelylarge relativeto depreciation.
once the infrastructure investments have been made and
operating marginshaveto improve. Thenet resultwillbe

3.Youngstart-upcompanies oftenreportnegativeearnings
early in their life cycles, as they concentrate on turning
interesting ideas into commercialproducts. To value such
growth and improving operating margins over time.

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