Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

Solving fortheThaiinterestrate yieldsa 10-yearrisk-free
rate of 10.12 percent.

9 Ratingsagenciesgenerallyassigndifferentratingsforlocal
currency borrowings and dollar borrowing, with higher
ratings for the former and lower ratings for the latter.

10 See“Stocks,Bonds,BillsandInflation,”anannualedition
andTreasurybills,aswellasinflationratesfrom 1926 tothe
present (www.ibbotson.com).

11 Forthehistoricaldataonstockreturns,bondreturns,and
bill returns, check under “updated data” in

12 These estimates of the standard error are probably
understated becausethey arebased ontheassumption that
empirical evidence that returns are correlated over time,
which would make this standard error estimate much larger.

13 Thecompoundedreturniscomputedbytakingthevalueof
theinvestment atthe startof the period(Value 0 ) and the
value at the end (ValueN) and then computing the following:

14 Inotherwords,goodyearsaremorelikelytobefollowed

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