Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

earningsin 39 ofthe 40 quartersduringthedecadeandIntel
followedin theirfootstepsintryingtodeliverearningsthat
The evidence is overwhelming that the phenomenon is
spreading.Foran unprecedented 18 quartersina rowfrom
1996 to2000,morefirmsbeatconsensusearningsestimates
than missed them.
7 Inanotherindicationofthemanagementofearnings,the
gap betweentheearningsreportedby firmsto theInternal
has been growing over the last decade.

this tell us? One possibility is that analysts consistently
underestimateearningsand neverlearnfromtheirmistakes.
While this is a possibility, it seems extremely unlikely to
persist over an entire decade. Theother possibility is that
technology firms have far more discretion in how they
beat estimates. In particular, the treatment of research
expenses as operating expenses gives these firms an
advantage when it comes to managing earnings.

are markets as gullible? They are not, and the advent of
so-called whispered earningsestimates isa reaction to the
consistentdelivery ofearningsthat areaboveexpectations.
What are whispered earnings? Whispered earnings are
haveto beattosurprisethemarket,andtheseestimatesare
usually a few cents higher than analyst estimates. For

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