Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

  • Theoperatingincomeisadjustedbyaddingbackthe
    current year’s R&D expense and subtract ing the
    amortization of the research asset.

To getto the after-tax operating income, we also
considerthe taxbenefits from expensingR&D (as
opposed to just the amortization of the research

  • The current year’s R&D expense is added to the
    is added to the depreciation to estimate adjusted
    values.Inconjunctionwithan decreasein working
    capital of $19.43 million,we estimate an adjusted
    reinvestment rate for the firm of 57.42%.

  • Toestimate thereturnoncapital, weestimatedthe
    resultant return on capital for the firm is shown.

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