Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

is stock bonus plans, where the granting of shares is
contingentonthefirmreaching aspecifiedoperatingtarget
such as doubling of revenues, 20 percent growth in net
income, and so on.

Accounting for Restricted Stock

The accounting rules that govern restricted stock have
remained relatively stable over time, unlike the rules for
employee compensation. When a restricted stock issue is
thevalue oftherestrictedstock isspread over thevesting
vesting period and an estimated value of $1 million will
next four years.

In making the estimation of the value of restricted stock,
firms areallowedto factorin boththeprobability thatthe
employee will forfeit (by leaving the company) and the
illiquidity of theshares, and discounttheobserved market
price. Quoting the FASB:

Restrictedsecuritiesareoftenpurchasedata discountfrom
reflecting the lack of liquidity relating to the inability to
access that market for the specified period. Therefore, in
estimatingthefairvalueof restrictedsecurities, thequoted
of the unrestricted security, and the risk-free interest rate.

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