Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

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27 Todothis,wehavetomakeseparateforecastsofthestated
the latter defined as a percent of revenues each year.

28 G. T. Garvey, and T. T. Milbourn, “Do Stock Prices
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29 F. Li and M. H. F. Wong, “Employee Stock Options,
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30 M.Semerdzhian,“TheEffectsofExpensingStockOptions
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31 J. R. Graham, M. H. Lang, and D. A. Shackelford,
“Employee Stock Options, Corporate Taxes and Debt
Policy,”Journal of Finance159 (2004): 1585–1618.

32 GeorgeFennandNellieLiang,“CorporatePayoutPolicy
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Economics 60 (2001),45–72.Similarconclusionsarearrived
at in Richard A. Lambert, William Lanen, and David F.
Larcker, “Executive Stock Option Plans and Corporate
Dividend Policy,” Journal of Financial and Quantitative
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33 K.M.Kahle,“When a BuybackIsn’ta Buyback: Open
SSRN, 2004.

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