Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

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of hostile takeovers and management change than other

24 K. G. Palepu, “Predicting Take-Over Targets: A
Methodological and Empirical Analysis,” Journal of
Accounting and Economics8 (1986): 3–35.

25 D. S. North, “The Role of Managerial Incentives in
Corporate Acquisitions: The 1990s Evidence,” Journal of
Corporate Finance7 (2001): 125–149.

26 R.Nuttall,“Take-OverLikelihoodModelsforUKQuoted
Companies,” Nuffield College working paper, Oxford
University, 1999; C. Weir, “Corporate Governance,
Mergers,”Applied Economics29 (1997): 1465–1475.

27 L. Pinkowitz, “The Market for Corporate Control and
study of hostile acquisitions between 1985 and 1994
concludesthat firmswith largecash balances areless(not
more) likely to be targets of hostile acquisitions.

28 Inacontraryfinding,FranksandMayer(1996)find no
evidence of poor performance in target firms in hostile
“Hostile Takeovers and the Correction of Management
Failure,”Journal of Financial Economics40 (1996): 163–181.

29 J.Warner,R.Watts,andK.Wruck,“StockPricesandTop
ManagementChanges,”Journal ofFinancialEconomics 20
Performance Surrounding CEO Turnover,” Journal of

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