Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

a similar publicly traded firm.

62 P. Harouna, A. Sarin, and A. C. Shapiro, “Value of
CorporateControl: Some InternationalEvidence,” Working
Paper, USC Working Paper series, 2001.

63 M.J.BarclayandC.Holderness,“PrivateBenefitsfrom
Control of Public Corporations,” Journal of Financial
Economics 25 (1989): 371–395; M. J. Barclay and C.
Holderness, “Negotiated Block Trades and Corporate
Control,”Journal of Finance56(3) (1991): 861–878.

64 G.NicodanoandA.Sembenelli,“PrivateBenefits,Block
Transaction Premiums and Ownership Structure,” working
paper, SSRN, 2000.

65 The existing management has been conservative in
high return on capital and a low reinvestment rate. We
reinvesting more ata lower return on capital(though still
higher than the cost of capital).

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