Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

discount. If we increase discount rates for illiquidity in
perpetuity ratherthan the fiveyears that we used in both
calculations, the resulting discounts will be much larger
2% illiquidity premium).

Relative Valuation

are structured around intrinsic valuation, where we try to
risk-adjusted discount rate. In practice, most valuations of
both private and publicly traded companies are relative
assetsarepriced.In thissection,we considertwo waysof
incorporating illiquidity into relative valuation.

Relative Valuation with Illiquid Assets

The simplest way of incorporating illiquidity into relative
companies of similar liquidity (or illiquidity). The key to
thisapproachbycomparingthemultiplespaidfor 84 private
companies thatwere acquisitiontargets tothemultiples of
earningspaidfor 198 “similar”publiclytradedfirmsbetween
1984 and 1998.
79 Figure14.8showstheaveragemultiplesofearnings,book
value, and sales for private and public firms.

FIGURE 14.8Private versus Public Acquisitions

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