with Maria Sabina, Wasson connected with Albert Hofmann, and in
1958 Hofmann identified two psychedelically active chemicals from
Mexican Psilocybe mushrooms. Hofmann named the two chemicals
psilocybin and psilocin. Note their similarities in molecular structure
to serotonin.
HO. ,OH \
as P Nā NH^2
o 9 No | - HO N
\ \ ,
ā H ; Serotonin
Psilocybin estlocan
Another example of a powerful psychedelic molecule is dimethyl-
tryptamine, or DMT. It also looks similar to serotonin, as well as to
psilocin. It can be readily synthesized, by enzymes present in many or-
ganisms, from the amino acid tryptophan.
| NH>.
Crs N =
ot &
DMT Tryptophan
DMT has been found to occur widely in nature; it has been identified
in a large number of different plants and in the human body as well. It
is quite possible that it functions as an endogenous neurotransmitter
in the animal nervous system.
Several DMT-containing plants are used for their powerful medic-
inal effects by tribal peoples living in the Amazon jungle of South