project focuses on building a complete map of the much simpler, but
still vastly complex, mouse brain. Some folks anticipate that within
a decade or two it will become possible to build integrated circuits
duplicating the neural connectivity of brains—so-called neuromor-
phic computers. These projects have widespread support around the
world; brain science is flourishing and will continue to flourish.
This will certainly have many applications to human health and
disease. Greater understanding of conditions like Alzheimer’s disease,
Parkinson’s disease, and epilepsy can be expected, guiding the devel-
opment of more effective treatments and leading to reduced suffering
for many. Perhaps the neurology associated with psychosis, depres-
sion, anxiety, and addiction will also be better understood, improving
the capacity to prevent and treat these conditions.
Creative investigation of neural correlates of consciousness will
continue to be a valuable research direction. In addition, it will be use-
ful to expand investigation of the developing mind of human infants,
as well as the minds of other animals. If we believe sentience is asso-
ciated with complex nervous systems, then it must be the case that
animals like dolphins, whales, and elephants, for example, have elabo-
rate conscious awareness. Little effort currently goes toward studying
and attempting to communicate with these creatures. What might be
learned about the nature of mind if such communication could ever
be established? We fantasize about communicating with aliens from
another star system. Perhaps we ought also work on communicating
with the likely very sentient and very intelligent aliens among us.
We know neither the necessary nor sufficient conditions for mind
and conscious awareness to manifest in matter, in life, in nervous
systems. All these kinds of studies will help with that. Whatever
the nature of reality may be, our body with its brain is the vehicle by
which we connect with the larger reality. As far as we know, all that
steven felgate
(Steven Felgate)