Daily Mirror - 05.03.2020

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

mirror.co.uk THURSDAY 05.03.2020 DAILY MIRROR^41


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■■Today is World Book Day
where schools encourage
children to dress up as their
favourite character from a
book. But why are teachers
asking parents to spend
between £10 and £20-plus to
buy outfits when families and
schools so desperate for cash?
I am sure parents would
rather give the schools £10
per pupil for books for the
classroom or school library
which could be used by
generations of youngsters.
And what about the children
in the world who haven’t had
the chance to read a book?
Yet we are wasting money on
fancy dress outfits.
Valerie Knight
Swindon, Wilts
■■It seems the FA are to issue
a warning to all football teams
not to shake hands as this
could encourage the spread
of the coronavirus. When are
they going to issue a warning
to players to stop spitting and
clearing their noses on to the
grass and sliding on their
knees whenever they score
a goal?
Brian Holland
Bootle, Merseyside

■■Reading about the Grenfell
Inquiry I can’t help thinking it
looks like being another
Hillsborough. I thought the
whole aim of the inquest was
to find out the truth about
why 72 innocent people died
in a preventable disaster, not
to cover up for those
responsible for this tragedy.
Len Goodwin, Doncaster
South Yorks

No need for

book outfits

How many of our daily pub
quiz brainteasers did you
manage to get right?

  1. Shinty

  2. Tallahassee

  3. Bonsai

  4. Gin

  5. b) 20

Pub quiz answers

No. More scaremongering.
Some people don’t qualify
for sick pay in normal
circumstances so why
should they get it because
of this virus?
Sam Pitt

No. I am afraid self-
employed people and
freelancers will have to
take that hit.
nel SonPj19 80

Yes. This is why viruses
spread round hospitals
so quickly. Without
statutory sick pay,
people on the
minimum wage will
still go into work ill.
RoSe tuRneR

Yes. It should be
made compulsory so
people who get this
awful thing will be
guaranteed full pay
for four weeks or until
they recover.

No. They won’t self-
isolate, they’ll lie and
keep mingling with
healthy folk. They won’t
even go to get tested.
Human nature.
HeatHeR edmondS

The PM announced statutory sick pay will
start being paid from day one, not after four
days to help the low paid who may have to
self-isolate. But it still won’t be available to
those who earn less than £118 a week, zero
hours workers or the self-employed.

Should everyone get

sick pay if they have

to self-isolate?

Yes. The self-employed
still pay taxes and
National Insurance. It’s
wrong they get nothing.
andRew moRRiS


Briefings to Johnson must now be
shorter and the comparison to
Margaret Thatcher, who devoured
detailed paperwork, is very
marked. Indeed, he makes even
Theresa May look good!
The baby announcement
detracts from yet another crisis,
this time at the Home Office.
Typical – distract from a problem
instead of dealing with it.
Andy Milroy, Trowbridge, Wilts
■ t is a happy time when a couple I
announce their engagement and
anticipate the birth of their first
child, so good wishes to Boris
Johnson and Carrie Symonds.
However, the decree absolute
hasn’t come through on his divorce
to ex-wife Marina, and their four
children, who aren’t much younger
than Carrie, reportedly hardly
know her. Boris clearly likes to
move on quickly.
Good luck, Carrie, you’ve been
Diane Silva, Bournemouth

■ oris Johnson’s lethargic and B
inadequate response to the floods
and the coronavirus emergencies
are disgraceful but not surprising.
Like David Cameron before him,
he likes being PM but seemingly
isn’t so keen on doing the work.
Both these privileged ex- Bullingdon
Boys are used to having an easy
ride with everything handed to
them on a silver platter.
John Lee, St Ives, Cambs
■ s it just me or is Boris Johnson’s I
baby announcement a convenient
way of deflecting attention from
the latest Home Office scandal and
his response to the floods and
coronavirus? Thank goodness we
have the Daily Mirror to hold him
to account.
D Bryant, Redcar, North Yorkshire
■ I hope Carrie Symonds knows
what she is letting herself in for
with fly-by-night Boris. I wish them
all the best but you have to wonder
if they’ll stand the test of time.
Heather Noakes, Birmingham

■ BOrIS Johnson has hidden away
in luxury and let junior ministers
face questions about floods, the
coronavirus and every other
problem facing the country.
How convenient then that
he was able to announce his
engagement and impending
fatherhood in the hope that all the
people calling on him to do his job
will go away. We won’t.
Johnson needs to answer urgent
questions about the bullying
allegations against his Home
Secretary and to explain why
Dominic Cummings is apparently
running the country and the
Treasury. Just because we have a
fixed-term parliament does not
mean we have a fixed-term
Prime Minister.
Mary Pester, Saltash, Cornwall
■ I think it is perfectly reasonable
to ask if Prime Minister Johnson’s
announcement of impending
unmarried fatherhood is being
used as a distraction from the
shambolic way our country is
being run under the Tories. It is
also a fine time to deflect the
criticism of his hideous
Home Secretary and so-called
parliamentary advisers. I am
sorry to say we get the
Government we deserve –
and this administration has
to be one of the worst.
Steve Cox, Tonna
West Glamorgan
■ t’s not surprising Boris I
Johnson appears to
have delegated so
much power to
Dominic Cummings, it
allows the PM to do
what he does best – hide
out with his girlfriend.

Our columnist Kevin Maguire says
Boris Johnson’s baby announcement
and forthcoming nuptials proved a
useful distraction from the Priti Patel
bullying allegations and criticism of
Boris’s delayed response to the floods
and coronavirus. You seem to agree...

Boris baby won’t

blind us to crisis

■■Well done, Mirror, for a fine article on the world’s
oldest man, Bob Weighton, who turns 112 on March
29 (February 29). This gentleman has led an
extraordinary life and I’m in total awe. How well he
strove to emphasise his patriotism and showed some
impishness in refusing another birthday card from the
Queen, saying he has one and doesn’t need another.
His lucidity and memory are amazing as he recalled
his experiences in Taiwan and Canada, living through
the Zeppelin raids on Hull in the First World War and
suffering hardship in the 1930s. Not a lover of Brexit,
he thinks people were lied to during the referendum.
What a man and what an example. Bravo to you, Sir!
David Owen, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan

Re s p e c t for 111-y e a r- old




£ 25
This amusing
notice was spotted
by Alan Sollis
from Oxford
while on holiday in
Oban, Scotland.

■■Please send your
funny signs to the
address below.
Sorry, but photos
can’t be returned.

of the day


Every day we’ll be asking your opinion on
one of Britain’s big talking points. You can
have your say and vote at mirror.co.uk

Jane McDonald, host of
Channel 5’s Cruising and
Holidaying With shows,
wishes new presenter
Susan Calman all the best...
@TheJaneMcDonald –
I’m so delighted that
@SusanCalman is taking
over Cruising & Holidaying.
She is going to be fabulous!
Wishing you the best of luck
ever Susan. I’m sure you will
have a ball. I certainly did.
Lots of love, Jane xxx
Kevin deserved

to be in icon list

Further to readers’ Top 30
Hollywood stars in response to
Chris Hunneysett’s rundown of
cinema’s greatest icons (Mirror,
March 4), I can’t believe Kevin
Costner wasn’t mentioned.
The Bodyguard is a classic, and
what about Dances with Wolves,
Bull Durham or even Waterworld,
which was a flop at the box office
but not for me?
Also, French cinema legend
Jean-Paul Belmondo has
had a career
spanning six
decades and
deserves to be on
any such list.
Douglas Vick
Cheltenham, Glos

LEGENDS Kevin Costner
in Dances with Wolves,
inset, Jean-Paul Belmondo


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