2020-03-01 National Geographic History

(Steven Felgate) #1
In antiquity, Rhodes
grew wealthy from
the trade that traveled
through its harbor. The
Rhodian navy protected
the island’s booming
maritime economy from
pirates until its decline in
the second century b.c.

6 th century b.c.
Greek trade spans the
Mediterranean. Greek
cities act to protect their
economy by eradicating
maritime brigands.

167 b.c.
The fall of Rhodes and its
once powerful navy leads
to a resurgence of piracy,
which targets the growing
wealth of Rome.

75 b.c.
Julius Caesar is briefly
captured by pirates.
In the next decade,
Pompey will declare all-
out war on piracy.

a.d. 14
Emperor Augustus
dies. Nearly all the
Mediterranean is
under Roman control,
and piracy wanes.

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