- PART I Introduction
- Theory CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Personality
- What Is Personality?
- What Is a Theory?
- Theory Defined
- Theory and Its Relatives
- Philosophy
- Speculation
- Hypothesis
- Taxonomy
- Why Different Theories?
- Perspectives in Theories of Personality
- Psychodynamic Theories
- Humanistic-Existential Theories
- Dispositional Theories
- Biological-Evolutionary Theories
- Learning-(Social) Cognitive Theories
- of Personality Theorists’ Personalities and Their Theories
- What Makes a Theory Useful?
- Generates Research
- Is Falsifiable
- Organizes Data
- Guides Action
- Is Internally Consistent
- Is Parsimonious
- of Humanity Dimensions for a Concept
- Theory Research in Personality
- Theories PART II Psychodynamic
- CHAPTER 2 Freud: Psychoanalysis
- Overview of Psychoanalytic Theory
- Biography of Sigmund Freud
- Levels of Mental Life
- Unconscious
- Preconscious
- Conscious
- Provinces of the Mind
- The Id
- The Ego
- The Superego
- Dynamics of Personality
- Drives
- Sex
- Aggression
- Anxiety
- Drives
- Defense Mechanisms
- Repression
- Reaction Formation
- Displacement
- Fixation
- Regression
- Projection
- Introjection
- Sublimation
- Stages of Development
- Infantile Period
- Oral Phase
- Infantile Period
- Anal Phase vi Contents
- Phallic Phase
- Male Oedipus Complex
- Female Oedipus Complex
- Latency Period
- Genital Period
- Maturity
- Applications of Psychoanalytic Theory
- Freud’s Early Therapeutic Technique
- Freud’s Later Therapeutic Technique
- Dream Analysis
- Freudian Slips
- Related Research
- Unconscious Mental Processing
- Pleasure and the Id, Inhibition and the Ego
- Mechanisms Repression, Inhibition, and Defense
- Research on Dreams
- Critique of Freud
- and Sexuality? Did Freud Understand Women, Gender,
- Was Freud a Scientist?
- Concept of Humanity
- Psychology CHAPTER 3 Adler: Individual
- Overview of Individual Psychology
- Biography of Alfred Adler
- Introduction to Adlerian Theory
- Striving for Success or Superiority
- The Final Goal
- The Striving Force as Compensation
- Striving for Personal Superiority
- Striving for Success
- Subjective Perceptions
- Fictionalism
- Physical Inferiorities
- Unity and Self-Consistency of Personality
- Organ Dialect
- Conscious and Unconscious
- Social Interest
- Origins of Social Interest
- Importance of Social Interest
- Style of Life
- Creative Power
- Abnormal Development
- General Description
- External Factors in Maladjustment
- Exaggerated Physical Deficiencies
- Pampered Style of Life
- Neglected Style of Life
- Safeguarding Tendencies
- Excuses
- Aggression
- Withdrawal
- Masculine Protest
- Origins of the Masculine Protest
- Adler, Freud, and the Masculine Protest
- Applications of Individual Psychology
- Family Constellation
- Early Recollections
- Dreams
- Psychotherapy
- Related Research
- Birth Order Effects
- Early Recollections and Career Choice
- for Success Superiority, versus Self-Esteem as Striving
- Critique of Adler
- Concept of Humanity
- Psychology CHAPTER 4 Jung: Analytical
- Overview of Analytical Psychology
- Biography of Carl Jung
- Levels of the Psyche
- Conscious
- Personal Unconscious
- Collective Unconscious
- Archetypes
- Persona Contents vii
- Shadow
- Anima
- Animus
- Great Mother
- Wise Old Man
- Hero
- Self
- Social Interest
- Dynamics of Personality
- Causality and Teleology
- Progression and Regression
- Psychological Types
- Attitudes
- Introversion
- Extraversion
- Functions
- Thinking
- Feeling
- Sensing
- Intuiting
- Attitudes
- Development of Personality
- Stages of Development
- Childhood
- Youth
- Middle Life
- Old Age
- Self-Realization
- Investigation Jung’s Methods of
- Word Association Test
- Dream Analysis
- Active Imagination
- Psychotherapy
- Stages of Development
- Related Research
- Leadership Personality Type and
- Churchgoers Personality Type Among Clergy and
- Indicator (MBTI) A Critical Look at the Myers-Briggs Type
- Critique of Jung
- Concept of Humanity
- Theory CHAPTER 5 Klein: Object Relations
- Overview of Object Relations Theory
- Biography of Melanie Klein
- Theory Introduction to Object Relations
- Psychic Life of the Infant
- Phantasies
- Objects
- Positions
- Paranoid-Schizoid Position
- Depressive Position
- Psychic Defense Mechanisms
- Introjection
- Projection
- Splitting
- Projective Identification
- Internalizations
- Ego
- Superego
- Oedipus Complex
- Female Oedipal Development
- Male Oedipal Development
- Later Views on Object Relations
- Margaret Mahler’s View
- Heinz Kohut’s View
- John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory
- Mary Ainsworth and the Strange Situation
- Psychotherapy
- Related Research
- Relations Childhood Trauma and Adult Object
- Attachment Theory and Adult Relationships
- Critique of Object Relations Theory
- Concept of Humanity
- Social Theory CHAPTER 6 Horney: Psychoanalytic
- Theory Overview of Psychoanalytic Social
- Biography of Karen Horney viii
- Theory Introduction to Psychoanalytic Social
- Horney and Freud Compared
- The Impact of Culture
- The Importance of Childhood Experiences
- Basic Hostility and Basic Anxiety
- Compulsive Drives
- Neurotic Needs
- Neurotic Trends
- Moving Toward People
- Moving Against People
- Moving Away From People
- Intrapsychic Conflicts
- The Idealized Self-Image
- The Neurotic Search for Glory
- Neurotic Claims
- Neurotic Pride
- Self-Hatred
- The Idealized Self-Image
- Feminine Psychology
- Psychotherapy
- Related Research
- of Horney’s Neurotic Trends Developing and Validating a New Measure
- Can Neuroticism Ever Be a Good Thing?
- Critique of Horney
- Concept of Humanity
- Theory CHAPTER 7 Erikson: Post-Freudian
- Overview of Post-Freudian Theory
- Biography of Erik Erikson
- The Ego in Post-Freudian Theory
- Society’s Influence
- Epigenetic Principle
- Stages of Psychosocial Development
- Infancy
- Oral-Sensory Mode
- Basic Trust Versus Basic Mistrust
- Hope: The Basic Strength of Infancy
- Early Childhood
- Anal-Urethral-Muscular Mode
- Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt
- Will: The Basic Strength of Early Childhood
- Play Age
- Genital-Locomotor Mode
- Initiative Versus Guilt
- of the Play Age Purpose: The Basic Strength
- School Age
- Latency
- Industry Versus Inferiority
- the School Age Competence: The Basic Strength of
- Adolescence
- Puberty
- Identity Versus Identity Confusion
- of Adolescence Fidelity: The Basic Strength
- Young Adulthood
- Genitality
- Intimacy Versus Isolation
- of Young Adulthood Love: The Basic Strength
- Adulthood
- Procreativity
- Generativity Versus Stagnation
- Care: The Basic Strength of Adulthood
- Old Age
- Generalized Sensuality
- Integrity Versus Despair
- of Old Age Wisdom: The Basic Strength
- Summary of the Life Cycle
- Erikson’s Methods of Investigation
- Anthropological Studies
- Psychohistory
- Related Research
- Across Cultures Ego Identity Status in Adolescents
- Does Identity Precede Intimacy?
- Critique of Erikson
- Concept of Humanity
- Early Childhood
- Infancy
- Psychoanalysis CHAPTER 8 Fromm: Humanistic
- Overview of Humanistic Psychoanalysis
- Biography of Erich Fromm
- Fromm’s Basic Assumptions
- Human Needs
- Relatedness
- Transcendence
- Rootedness
- Sense of Identity
- Frame of Orientation
- Summary of Human Needs
- The Burden of Freedom
- Mechanisms of Escape
- Authoritarianism
- Destructiveness
- Conformity
- Positive Freedom
- Mechanisms of Escape
- Character Orientations
- Nonproductive Orientations
- Receptive
- Exploitative
- Hoarding
- Marketing
- The Productive Orientation
- Nonproductive Orientations
- Personality Disorders
- Necrophilia
- Malignant Narcissism
- Incestuous Symbiosis
- Psychotherapy
- Fromm’s Methods of Investigation
- Social Character in a Mexican Village
- A Psychohistorical Study of Hitler
- Related Research
- Marketing Character Testing the Assumptions of Fromm’s
- Estrangement From Culture and Well-Being
- Authoritarianism and Fear
- Critique of Fromm
- Concept of Humanity
- Theories PART III Humanistic/Existential
- Theory CHAPTER 9 Maslow: Holistic-Dynamic
- Overview of Holistic-Dynamic Theory
- Biography of Abraham H. Maslow
- Maslow’s View of Motivation
- Hierarchy of Needs
- Physiological Needs
- Safety Needs
- Love and Belongingness Needs
- Esteem Needs
- Self-Actualization Needs
- Aesthetic Needs
- Cognitive Needs
- Neurotic Needs
- General Discussion of Needs
- Reversed Order of Needs
- Unmotivated Behavior
- Expressive and Coping Behavior
- Deprivation of Needs
- Instinctoid Nature of Needs
- Comparison of Higher and Lower Needs
- Hierarchy of Needs
- Self-Actualization
- Person Maslow’s Quest for the Self-Actualizing
- Criteria for Self-Actualization
- Values of Self-Actualizers
- Characteristics of Self-Actualizing People
- More Efficient Perception of Reality
- Acceptance of Self, Others, and Nature
- Spontaneity, Simplicity, and Naturalness
- Problem-Centering
- The Need for Privacy
- Autonomy
- Continued Freshness of Appreciation
- The Peak Experience
- Gemeinschaftsgefühl
- Profound Interpersonal Relations
- The Democratic Character Structure
- Discrimination Between Means and Ends
- Process x
- Stages of Therapeutic Change
- Change Theoretical Explanation for Therapeutic
- Stages of Therapeutic Change
- Outcomes
- The Person of Tomorrow
- Philosophy of Science
- The Chicago Studies
- Hypotheses
- Method
- Findings
- Summary of Results
- Related Research
- Self-Discrepancy Theory
- One’s Goals Motivation and Pursuing
- Self-Discrepancy Theory
- Critique of Rogers
- Concept of Humanity
- Psychology CHAPTER 11 May: Existential
- Overview of Existential Psychology
- Biography of Rollo May
- Background of Existentialism
- What Is Existentialism?
- Basic Concepts
- Being-in-the-World
- Nonbeing
- The Case of Philip
- Anxiety
- Normal Anxiety
- Neurotic Anxiety
- Guilt
- Intentionality
- Care, Love, and Will
- Union of Love and Will
- Forms of Love
- Sex
- Eros
- Philia
- Agape
- Philosophical Sense of Humor
- Creativeness
- Resistance to Enculturation
- Love, Sex, and Self-Actualization
- of Science Maslow’s Psychology and Philosophy
- Measuring Self-Actualization
- The Jonah Complex
- Psychotherapy
- Related Research
- Mindfulness and Self-Actualization
- Positive Psychology
- Critique of Maslow
- Concept of Humanity
- Theory CHAPTER 10 Rogers: Person-Centered
- Overview of Client-Centered Theory
- Biography of Carl Rogers
- Person-Centered Theory
- Basic Assumptions
- Formative Tendency
- Actualizing Tendency
- The Self and Self-Actualization
- The Self-Concept
- The Ideal Self
- Awareness
- Levels of Awareness
- Denial of Positive Experiences
- Becoming a Person
- Barriers to Psychological Health
- Conditions of Worth
- Incongruence
- Vulnerability
- Anxiety and Threat
- Defensiveness
- Disorganization
- Basic Assumptions
- Psychotherapy
- Conditions
- Counselor Congruence
- Unconditional Positive Regard
- Empathic Listening
- Conditions
- Freedom and Destiny xi
- Freedom Defined
- Forms of Freedom
- Existential Freedom
- Essential Freedom
- What Is Destiny?
- Philip’s Destiny
- The Power of Myth
- Psychopathology
- Psychotherapy
- Related Research
- Denial of Our Animal Nature Threats in the Umwelt: Mortality Salience and
- and Close Relationships Finding Meaning in the Mitwelt: Attachment
- to Mortality Awareness Growth in the Eigenwelt: There Is an Upside
- Critique of May
- Concept of Humanity
- PART IV Dispositional Theories
- of the Individual CHAPTER 12 Allport: Psychology
- of the Individual Overview of Allport’s Psychology
- Biography of Gordon Allport
- Personality Theory Allport’s Approach to
- What Is Personality?
- Motivation? What Is the Role of Conscious
- a Healthy Person? What Are the Characteristics of
- Structure of Personality
- Personal Dispositions
- Levels of Personal Dispositions
- Cardinal Dispositions
- Central Dispositions
- Secondary Dispositions
- Motivational and Stylistic Dispositions
- Proprium
- Motivation
- A Theory of Motivation
- Functional Autonomy
- Perseverative Functional Autonomy
- Propriate Functional Autonomy
- Criterion for Functional Autonomy
- Autonomous Processes That Are Not Functionally
- The Study of the Individual
- Morphogenic Science
- The Diaries of Marion Taylor
- Letters From Jenny
- Related Research
- Understanding and Reducing Prejudice
- Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religious Orientation
- Religious Motivation and Mental Health
- Religious Motivation and Physical Health
- Critique of Allport
- Concept of Humanity
- Five-Factor Trait Theory CHAPTER 13 McCrae and Costa’s
- Overview of Trait and Factor Theories
- B. Cattell The Pioneering Work of Raymond
- Basics of Factor Analysis
- The Big Five: Taxonomy or Theory?
- Paul T. Costa, Jr. Biographies of Robert R. McCrae and
- In Search of the Big Five
- Five Factors Found
- Description of the Five Factors
- Evolution of the Five-Factor Theory
- Units of the Five-Factor Theory
- Core Components of Personality
- Basic Tendencies
- Characteristic Adaptations
- Self-Concept
- Peripheral Components
- Biological Bases
- Objective Biography
- External Influences
- Units of the Five-Factor Theory
- Motivation
- Basic Postulates xii Contents
- Postulates for Basic Tendencies
- Postulates for Characteristic Adaptations
- Personal Dispositions
- Related Research
- Personality and Academic Performance
- Traits, Internet Use, and Well-Being
- Traits and Emotions
- Critique of Trait and Factor Theories
- Concept of Humanity
- Theories PART V Biological/Evolutionary
- Based Factor Theory CHAPTER 14 Eysenck’s Biologically
- Trait Theory Overview of Biologically Based
- Biography of Hans J. Eysenck
- Eysenck’s Factor Theory
- Criteria for Identifying Factors
- Hierarchy of Behavior Organization
- Dimensions of Personality
- Extraversion
- Neuroticism
- Psychoticism
- Measuring Personality
- Biological Bases of Personality
- Personality as a Predictor
- Personality and Behavior
- Personality and Disease
- Related Research
- The Biological Basis of Extraversion
- The Biological Basis of Neuroticism
- Based Theory Critique of Eysenck’s Biologically
- Concept of Humanity
- of Personality CHAPTER 15 Buss: Evolutionary Theory
- Overview of Evolutionary Theory
- Biography of David Buss
- Principles of Evolutionary Psychology
- Evolutionary Theory of Personality
- The Nature and Nurture of Personality
- (Mechanisms) Adaptive Problems and their Solutions
- Evolved Mechanisms
- Mechanisms Motivation and Emotion as Evolved
- Personality Traits as Evolved Mechanisms
- Origins of Individual Differences
- Environmental Sources
- Heritable/Genetic Sources
- Nonadapative Sources
- Maladaptive Sources
- of Personality Neo-Bussian Evolutionary Theories
- in Evolutionary Theory Common Misunderstandings
- Influence From the Environment) (Behavior as Set in Stone and Void of
- Mechanisms Executing Adaptations Requires Conscious
- Mechanisms Are Optimally Designed
- The Nature and Nurture of Personality
- Related Research
- Environment Temperament and the Pre- and Post-Natal
- Genetics and Personality
- Animal Personality
- of Personality Critique of Evolutionary Theory
- Concept of Humanity
- PART VI Learning-Cognitive Theories
- Analysis CHAPTER 16 Skinner: Behavioral
- Overview of Behavioral Analysis
- Biography of B. F. Skinner
- Behaviorism Precursors to Skinner’s Scientific
- Scientific Behaviorism xiii
- Philosophy of Science
- Characteristics of Science
- Conditioning
- Classical Conditioning
- Operant Conditioning
- Shaping
- Reinforcement
- Positive Reinforcement
- Negative Reinforcement
- Punishment
- Effects of Punishment
- Punishment and Reinforcement Compared
- Conditioned and Generalized Reinforcers
- Schedules of Reinforcement
- Fixed-Ratio
- Variable-Ratio
- Fixed-Interval
- Variable-Interval
- Extinction
- The Human Organism
- Natural Selection
- Cultural Evolution
- Inner States
- Self-Awareness
- Drives
- Emotions
- Purpose and Intention
- Complex Behavior
- Higher Mental Processes
- Creativity
- Unconscious Behavior
- Dreams
- Social Behavior
- Control of Human Behavior
- Social Control
- Self-Control
- The Unhealthy Personality
- Counteracting Strategies
- Inappropriate Behaviors
- Psychotherapy
- Related Research
- How Conditioning Affects Personality
- How Personality Affects Conditioning
- and Conditioning Mutual Influence Between Personality
- Critique of Skinner
- Concept of Humanity
- Theory CHAPTER 17 Bandura: Social Cognitive
- Overview of Social Cognitive Theory
- Biography of Albert Bandura
- Learning
- Observational Learning
- Modeling
- Learning Processes Governing Observational
- Attention
- Representation
- Behavioral Production
- Motivation
- Modeling
- Enactive Learning
- Observational Learning
- Triadic Reciprocal Causation
- Causation An Example of Triadic Reciprocal
- Chance Encounters and Fortuitous Events
- Human Agency
- Core Features of Human Agency
- Self-Efficacy
- What Is Self-Efficacy?
- What Contributes to Self-Efficacy?
- Mastery Experiences
- Social Modeling
- Social Persuasion
- Physical and Emotional States
- Proxy Agency
- Collective Efficacy
- Self-Regulation
- External Factors in Self-Regulation
- Internal Factors in Self-Regulation
- Self-Observation
- Judgmental Process
- Self-Reaction
- Self-Regulation Through Moral Agency xiv
- Redefine the Behavior
- of Behavior Disregard or Distort the Consequences
- Dehumanize or Blame the Victims
- Displace or Diffuse Responsibility
- Redefine the Behavior
- Dysfunctional Behavior
- Depression
- Phobias
- Aggression
- Therapy
- Related Research
- Self-Efficacy and Diabetes
- Moral Disengagement and Bullying
- Social Cognitive Theory “Goes Global”
- Critique of Bandura
- Concept of Humanity
- Cognitive Social Learning Theory CHAPTER 18 Rotter and Mischel:
- Theory Overview of Cognitive Social Learning
- Biography of Julian Rotter
- Theory Introduction to Rotter’s Social Learning
- Predicting Specific Behaviors
- Behavior Potential
- Expectancy
- Reinforcement Value
- Psychological Situation
- Basic Prediction Formula
- Predicting General Behaviors
- Generalized Expectancies
- Needs
- Categories of Needs
- Recognition-Status
- Dominance
- Independence
- Protection-Dependency
- Love and Affection
- Physical Comfort
- Need Components
- Need Potential
- Freedom of Movement
- Need Value
- General Prediction Formula
- of Reinforcement Internal and External Control
- Interpersonal Trust Scale
- Maladaptive Behavior
- Psychotherapy
- Changing Goals
- Eliminating Low Expectancies
- Theory Introduction to Mischel’s Personality
- Biography of Walter Mischel
- Personality System Background of the Cognitive-Affective
- Consistency Paradox
- Person-Situation Interaction
- Cognitive-Affective Personality System
- Behavior Prediction
- Situation Variables
- Cognitive-Affective Units
- Encoding Strategies
- Strategies Competencies and Self-Regulatory
- Expectancies and Beliefs
- Goals and Values
- Affective Responses
- Encoding Strategies
- Related Research
- Locus of Control and Holocaust Heroes
- Person-Situation Interaction
- Across the Lifespan Marshmallows and Self-Regulation
- Theory Critique of Cognitive Social Learning
- Concept of Humanity
- of Personal Constructs CHAPTER 19 Kelly: Psychology
- Overview of Personal Construct Theory
- Biography of George Kelly xv
- Kelly’s Philosophical Position
- Person as Scientist
- Scientist as Person
- Constructive Alternativism
- Personal Constructs
- Basic Postulate
- Supporting Corollaries
- Similarities Among Events
- Differences Among People
- Relationships Among Constructs
- Dichotomy of Constructs
- Choice Between Dichotomies
- Range of Convenience
- Experience and Learning
- Adaptation to Experience
- Incompatible Constructs
- Similarities Among People
- Social Processes
- Theory Applications of Personal Construct
- Abnormal Development
- Threat
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Guilt
- Psychotherapy
- The Rep Test
- Related Research
- Gender as a Personal Construct
- Intra-Personal Questions of Identity Applying Personal Construct Theory to
- Through Personal Construct Theory Understanding Internalized Prejudice
- Identification Reducing the Threat to Feminist
- Intra-Personal Questions of Identity Applying Personal Construct Theory to
- Personal Constructs and the Big Five
- Gender as a Personal Construct
- Critique of Kelly
- Concept of Humanity
- Glossary G-
- References R-
- Name Index N-
- Subject Index S-
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