Theories of Personality 9th Edition

(Jyacinth Fallgp9V4A) #1
Chapter 10 Rogers: Person-Centered Theory 309

Because their ideal self and their real self are more congruent, clients experi-
ence less physiological and psychological tension, are less vulnerable to threat, and
have less anxiety. They are less likely to look to others for direction and less likely
to use others’ opinions and values as the criteria for evaluating their own experi-
ences. Instead, they become more self-directed and more likely to perceive that the
locus of evaluation resides within themselves. They no longer feel compelled to
please other people and to meet external expectations. They feel sufficiently safe to
take ownership of an increasing number of their experiences and comfortable
enough with themselves to lessen their need for denial and distortion.
Their relationships with others are also changed. They become more accept-
ing of others, make fewer demands, and simply allow others to be themselves.
Because they have less need to distort reality, they have less desire to force others
to meet their expectations. They are also perceived by others as being more mature,
more likable, and more socialized. Their genuineness, positive self-regard, and
empathic understanding are extended beyond therapy, and they become better able
to participate in other growth-facilitating relationships (Rogers, 1959, 1961).
Table 10.1 illustrates Rogers’ theory of therapy.

The Person of Tomorrow

The interest shown by Rogers in the psychologically healthy individual is rivaled
only by that of Maslow (see Chapter 9). Whereas Maslow was primarily a researcher,
Rogers was first of all a psychotherapist whose concern with psychologically healthy

TABLE 10.1

Rogers’ Theory of Therapeutic Change

If the following conditions exist:

  1. A vulnerable or anxious client

  2. contacts a counselor who possesses

  3. congruence in the relationship,

  4. unconditional positive regard for
    the client, and

  5. empathic understanding for the
    client’s internal frame of
    reference, and

  6. the client perceives Conditions 3, 4,
    and 5—the three necessary and
    sufficient conditions for therapeutic

Then therapeutic change occurs and the
client will

  1. become more congruent;

  2. be less defensive;

  3. become more open to experiences;

  4. have a more realistic view of the

  5. develop positive self-regard;

  6. narrow the gap between ideal self
    and real self;

  7. be less vulnerable to threat;

  8. become less anxious;

  9. take ownership of experiences;

  10. become more accepting of others;

  11. become more congruent in
    relationships with others.

Note: Boldfaced phrases represent the key therapeutic conditions and the most basic outcomes.

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